Project Area
Existing Conditions
Traffic Data Collection
Traffic Summary
Classification: Collector
Speed Limit: 25 mph
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 5,831 VPD (vehicles per day)
85th percentile speed: 30 mph
Overall % speeding: 48%
Planned Improvements
- Additional two (2) speed humps between McArdle and Bertha
- Three (3) speed tables between Bigham Street and Oneida
- One (1) raised crosswalk near the intersection of Grandview and Sweetbriar
Construction Timeline
Construction is expected to begin Tuesday, September 3rd. Work is expected to last two (2) days, weather pending.
Flaggers will be stationed to allow alternating traffic through the work area, but small travel delays are likely and should be anticipated. Pavement markings on the speed tables/humps will be placed a day or two after actual construction. Signage, however, will be installed in advance of construction.