We need your input!
Every year, the City of Pittsburgh receives funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This money, divided between four programs, is used for community development, housing needs, anti-poverty initiatives, and other community needs. Community members are invited to share their opinions on how to prioritize spending these funds.
The four funding programs are:
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
- Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)
- Home Investment Partnerships (HOME)
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
To learn more about these grant programs, please visit the Community Development website or watch the video of our first meeting presentation.
Learn more about our programs:
Interested in getting involved?
All City residents were invited to take our survey or attend one of our public meetings - or both!
The survey allowed participants to rank the importance of they City's Community Development goals. It also had an open comment section at the end. A summary of responses will be made available in late May.
All public comments will be included in the Annual Action Plan, a draft of which will be on display beginning in mid June. There will be a public hearing to invite comments on the draft Annual Action Plan in July. Information on the draft document, the comment process, and the public hearing are available on our Public Participation webpage.
You shared your thoughts! Here's what we learned: