Updating and Adopting the Hill District Master Plan
Updating and adopting the Greater Hill District master plan
Updating and adopting the Greater Hill District master plan
A plan for Fitt Pitt Field and Playground in Garfield with a community-led vision of the park with increased recreational opportunities and quality of other amenities.
A community-led process to create a vision for Westinghouse Park incorporating gathering space, recreation amenities, ecological restoration, and stormwater management.
The Liberty Avenue HSIP project will update antiquated infrastructure and improve safety along Liberty Ave between 11th and Herron in the Strip District.
The City of Pittsburgh and partners are working together to reduce emissions, create jobs, overcome injustice, and improve health while meeting 2030 climate targets.
Together, the Department of City Planning and Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA) are leading a process to update City ordinances and create an updated code.
This project will update traffic signal infrastructure and improve safety for pedestrians, drivers, and transit users along North Avenue between Arch St. and East St.
The Oakland Plan is a 10-year plan with a shared vision for Oakland's future and the projects and programs necessary to make that vision a reality.
The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program increases the safety and comfort of all people by reducing excessive motorist speeds on residential streets.
Through a grant from the Trust for Public Land, the City is working with Hazelwood Initiative to identify key projects in the Hazelwood Greenway.
The Allegheny Green River Boulevard is a long-term plan to connect neighborhoods along the south shore of the Allegheny River.
There's a number of upcoming projects impacting the Seldom Seen Greenway and the Saw Mill Run corridor. This page is an area for engaged stakeholders to share ideas.
Complete Streets is an approach to make the public right-of-way safer and more comfortable for vulnerable road users: pedestrians, transit riders, bicycles, & more.
A unified vision for Mellon Park based on community and municipal priorities for restoration, development, and activity.
This page documents the creation a community-led vision (plan) for Fowler Park. The plan is complete and implementation is ongoing. This page is not being updated.
The City of Pittsburgh's traffic signal modernization program.
Penn Avenue Phase II is a project constructing streetscape improvements along Penn Avenue between and including the intersections of Evaline and Graham Streets.
Creating a plan for the Greater Hill District Parks that builds on the district’s rich African American cultural legacy and improves parks and open spaces for residents.
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy received a grant to design an outdoor sensory classroom for learners with exceptionalities at the Frick Environmental Center
A hub containing information pages for small-scale city-wide traffic signal projects.
Provide your thoughts to help restore and re-envision Allegheny Riverfront Park to meet community needs, address safety concerns, and rehabilitate key historic elements.
The City will use NRPA funding to activate and enhance the Perry South/Charles Street Greenway to meet the desires of residents.
This project will continue to reconnect the East Liberty neighborhood into an urban grid while increasing pedestrian access and improving safety.
Provide your thoughts to help re-envision the landscaping, structures, arts, playscapes, and programming in the park.
Traffic Signal replacements/upgrades and investigations into signal removals at various points along Frankstown Avenue.
The City is discussing potential uses for an underutilized parcel on Cagwin Avenue.
A project to improve bicycle and pedestrian transportation in Hazelwood.
City Planning worked closely with Council District 3 and South Side neighborhood organizations to conduct a planning process for Armstrong and Ormsby Parks.
Gathering community feedback and priority-setting for the long-term improvements to Baxter Park
Converting traffic to one-way to mitigate cut-through truck traffic
Give your input on budget priorities for the 2022 City of Pittsburgh Capital and Operating Budgets
This project will lay the groundwork for connecting Manchester and the West End as well as the waterfront and the City of Pittsburgh. Let us know what you'd like to see!
The city is adopting a "Vision Zero" strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
Develop safe, accessible pedestrian routes to essential community locations like schools, transit stops, and other amenities like business districts and parks.
Give your input on budget priorities for the 2023 City of Pittsburgh Capital and Operating Budgets
Reconstruction and restoration of Chestnut Street, a historic brick street in the East Allegheny neighborhood.
Move PGH is a public-private partnership that connects Pittsburghers with flexible, low-cost transportation options. This pilot program ended July 2023.
A community engagement process to inform the design and renovation of the new playground.
Give feedback on what you'd like to see in the City of Pittsburgh's 2021 Operating Budget.
This plan will guide future improvements and preserve the park's amenities while enhancing connections and elevating Emerald View Park's role as a regional destination.
The East Hills Community Visioning Plan is a pre-planning process that will gather residents, institutions, & other stakeholders' vision for the future of East Hills.
The Lincoln-Lemington-Belmar Community Visioning Plan is a pre-planning process that will gather residents, institutions, and other stakeholders' vision for its future.
The U.S. EPA is providing technical assistance to begin design work on green corridors highlighted in the Manchester-Chateau Neighborhood Plan. manchester-chateau
A community engagement process to inform the design of Phase I improvements.
As part of the public review process, an online comment period is open to discuss action or no action on the Christopher Columbus statue.
A public engagement process to inform the design and renovation of the new playground.
A community engagement process to help inform the design of the playground renovation.
A community engagement process to inform the design of the new playground.
A new public art project is being planned in South Side Park. This is being done in coordination with the park’s Phase 1 renovations and funded by the Percent For Art.
To address the impacts of COVID-19 on Pittsburgh residents and businesses, DOMI has opened streets and sidewalks for local commerce and outdoor recreation.
The public is invited to offer their thoughts in advance of upcoming public art projects in the five regional City parks.
The Neighborhood Health and Safety Academy is a series of educational sessions that educates residents about services and resources in the City of Pittsburgh.
This page documents the reconceptualization of the Cantini Mosaic. This project concluded in early 2024 and this page is no longer being updated.
A community engagement process to inform the design of Homewoood Park.
Permits, Licensing, and Inspection (PLI) is seeking public feedback to help them identify and prioritize earmarked properties to be demolished.
This planning study will explore the creation of a Transit Revitalization Investment District to catalyze equitable transit-oriented development near Allegheny Station.
@ Cowley-Goettman Park
The 2021 Pittsburgh VLR focuses on city-wide procurement and its alignment to the UN’s sustainable development goals.
This pilot is intended to provide residents experience with personal delivery devices in order to create informed local policies before the widespread deployment of PDDs.
A community engagement process to inform the design of the redeveloped park space.
The City of Pittsburgh Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) has started planning and design of active mobility improvement for the Homewood Neighborhood.
The Finance Department is launching OneTaxPGH, an online platform that will streamline business registration and real estate tax collection
The City of Pittsburgh is continuing to gather input on the spending of the $335 million from the American Rescue Plan (ARP) received from the Federal Government.
This proposal is to apply the Inclusionary Zoning Overlay District to Polish Hill and Bloomfield.
Pittsburgh's City Energy Strategy: Final Draft for Public Comment
Rehabilitation of the 30th Street Bridge which serves as the point of access onto Washington's Landing
The Reapportionment Advisory Committee (RAC) provides guidance to City Council to apportion its legislative districts based on the 2020 census.
Design and construction for the new Davis Avenue Bridge between Brighton Heights and Riverview Park.
Rehabilitation of the Charles Anderson Bridge which connects South Oakland to Schenley Park and the East End
The Mayor's Office is asking for community input to devise a path forward on the proposed Oakland Public Realm District (OPR-E).
This project will stabilize parts of the Northern and Western slopes of Mt. Washington with retaining walls and geotechnical installations to protect homes and roadways.
Restoration of the late 1800's stone pedestrian tunnel and surrounding site located at Reservoir Drive, adjacent to the Highland Park Super Playground.
The Food Policy team is providing resources, hosting community trainings, and seeking input on experiences with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
The goal of this plan is to follow a community-driven process to identify potential traffic safety and mobility issues through a data-driven equity-focused approach.
All things 2022 Public Needs Hearing
SoilMill PGH is a project from the City Planning department that will improve soil quality in Pittsburgh through composting.
A community engagement process to inform the design and renovation of the new playground.
The City opens grant applications for nonprofits providing social services to low- and moderate-income residents.
An off-road, shared-use path that will begin at the intersection of Noblestown Road and Crafton Blvd continuing approximately 0.6 miles to McCartney Street.
Smart Loading Zones aim to create more efficient and safe use of our curb by automating payments and analyzing real-time usage.
The Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs is providing "I Speak" Cards to ensure that limited English or non-English speaking residents receive equal access to services
Mayor Gainey's administration seeks input on PGH's diverse landscape of immigrant & refugee services by identifying what the region is doing well & what we can improve.
PWSA is initiating a collaborative community process to develop a Stormwater Strategic Plan to serve as Pittsburgh’s blueprint to address local stormwater challenges.
The Ethics Hearing Board is seeking input from the community regarding the City of Pittsburgh's current campaign finance requirements.
Project to improve several key trailheads and trail segments in Emerald View Park. Phase 1 of implementation following the 2021 Emerald View Park Master Plan.
Design and construction of the replacement of the Swinburne Bridge that connects South Oakland to the Four Mile Run, Greenfield, and Hazelwood neighborhoods.
A public engagement process to inform the design of the new playground.
We value your partnership in working to ensure that Pittsburgh's leadership is as diverse as the city itself.
A community engagement process to inform the renovation of Washington's Landing courts.
An engagement process to inform the design of the new playground and distribute information about the community build day.
The City of Pittsburgh opens grants applications for community-based nonprofits working on economic development in low and moderation income neighborhoods.
The El Paso Street Landslide Remediation Project is a DOMI undertaking to address a hillside failure that has impacted residents both above and below the slide area
How do we move the needle toward equity for Black women in Pittsburgh?
Description Here (TBD)
Replacement of roof in kind, repair/replace hundreds of cracked brick throughout the exterior, and replacement of windows throughout the exterior.
Renovation of an existing facility and site to highlight historic character, increase energy efficiency, and improve exterior/interior spaces to better serve the public
A community engagement process to inform the design of improvements to Spring Hill Park.
We asked residents to share priorities as we searched for the next Chief of Police. This page is now closed and no longer being updated.
Comparta su voz y sus prioridades para ayudarnos en la búsqueda del próximo Jefe de Policía de la Ciudad de Pittsburgh. Este proyecto ya está cerrado.
Project information about the rehabilitation of the 28th Street Bridge at the intersection of Liberty Ave and 28th St, in Pittsburgh's Strip District neighborhood.
The City of Pittsburgh is conducting an audit to identify inequity and bias in the City’s collection of public art and memorials.
A recorded meeting co-hosted by City of Pittsburgh-Allegheny County Task Force on Disabilities and Oakland for All.
A community engagement process to inform the design improvements for Phase I Master Plan implementation.
The Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE) in the Mayor's Office is collecting information about Youth Banking habits to better inform our work and city services.
The City of Pittsburgh is planning to do a repair and renovation of the Freedom Corner Monument on Center Ave. in the Hill District.
The purpose of the South Side Signals Project is to improve the safety of pedestrians and vehicles at six intersections in the South Sides Flats, Slopes, and Mount Oliver
City of Pittsburgh's Department of Permits, Licenses, and Inspections (PLI) hosted virtual training sessions to learn the recently updated Agency Counter website.
An equitable and just approach to rebuilding infrastructure in the Hill District neighborhoods.
Complete a survey to help the City understand the priorities of District 9 residents for different types of Public Service grants
This page was to include a survey about Registered Community Organizations. This survey is now closed.
Community updates on the upcoming playground renovation.
The 2023 Public Service Grant application is available from March 3, 2023, to April 14, 2023.
A community engagement process to inform the updates of the playground.
The Frazier St. steps are a pedestrian connection in the Oakland community. This project connects communities and provides access to transit and other amenities.
A town Hall to discuss city projects and issues impacting the Highland Park community. Join us as we work together to create a safe and accessible neighborhood for all!
Project information about the design and construction plans for the City of Pittsburgh's rehabilitation of the Swindell Bridge between Perry South and Northview Heights
The City of Pittsburgh is seeking input from residents about how to prioritize spending federal funds received in 2023.
The city has initiated an implementation-focused traffic safety plan for the pedestrians, motorists and transit riders of the Brownsville Road focusing Carrick community.
Give your input on budget priorities for the next City of Pittsburgh Capital and Operating Budgets.
This community-led investment is leading to a more equitable, just, and sustainable local food system.
The Andover Terrace Landslide Remediation project is about to begin construction for the affected slide area.
Mayor Gainey's initiative to bring government to the people to provide resources and solve neighborhood problems in a block party setting in locations around the City
Providing updates to the community for the ongoing Phase I park improvements.
Safety focused streetscape improvements.
Final public engagement process to finalize the City's plan for Transportation Demand Management in the Uptown neighborhood.
This page hosts updates about the present year's Neighborhood Economic Development Grant opportunity.
A community engagement process to inform the design improvements to Ammon Park.
Learn about projects that have happened, or that are planned for your community, and share your thoughts with DOMI Staff at this community engagement series
Share your input on privacy priorities for the City of Pittsburgh!
An opportunity to submit events promoting peace and nonviolence to be shared by the City of Pittsburgh
The City of Pittsburgh's International Day Parade and Festival.
Project information about the design and construction plans for rehabilitation of the California Ave Bridge in the City of Pittsburgh's north side.
The Pittsburgh Emerging Technology Community Working Group was a series of panel discussions on the current state of AVs in Pittsburgh hosted by DOMI at Roundhouse.
A group of interested and invested people who wish to promote the goals and concepts of complete streets in the City of Pittsburgh.
The City of Pittsburgh has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to cooperatively manage the wildlife damage from white-tailed deer.
The Lawn Street Promenade project will provide South Oakland with an enjoyable pedestrian space which will include wide sidewalks and adjacent greenery.
In May 2023 the Biden-Harris administration designated the City of Pittsburgh as 1 of 5 White House Workforce Talent Hubs across the country.
Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh will submit a joint application for the FY 2024 Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing Grant (PRO Housing).
Department of Mobility and Infrastructure in collaboration with Council District 4 is implementing pedestrian crossing improvements along the Broadway Avenue corridor.
This page informs City of Pittsburgh residents about the city's Snow Angels program. This page is also where volunteers can sign up, and recipients can submit a request.
Pittsburgh’s Collection of Public Art & Monuments – browse through all city-owned artworks and find detailed information pages for recent and highlighted projects.
A plan to maintain the Three Rivers Heritage Trail.
Here you can find information on the city's public art collection, new artist calls, ongoing public art projects, and more.
The Arch Street basketball court known as, “The Jungle” in Allegheny Commons was renovated in 2024 with the help of local artists and funds from a national competition.
YCLA equips youth with skills, competencies, and experiences necessary to thrive as civic leaders, community stewards, and change-makers in the workplace and beyond.
The Department of City Planning is looking to implement land-use strategies through our zoning code to increase housing options and affordability across all incomes.
Reservoir Drive in Highland Park is being improved to create a safer condition for all park visitors, whether they enjoy the park by foot, bike or car.
Current Projects – find out about ongoing projects underway throughout the city and learn how to apply for new projects each year.
Mayor Ed Gainey welcomes Pittsburgh's senior residents to his annual Golden Luncheon!
A community engagement process to inform the design of Grandview Playground.
A community engagement process to inform the design of Eleanor St. Playground
A community engagement process to inform the updates to Lewis Park.
A traffic safety project to improve conditions on Penn Ave in the Strip District between 31st street and 22nd Street.
Project information about the design and construction plans for repairs of the failed portion of the existing wall and pavement along Serpentine Drive.
The Hazelwood to Carrie Furnace Trail Segment Feasibility Study will evaluate the potential for trail alignments on either side of the existing Duck Hollow Trail.
The city is building a new Department of Public Works (DPW) facility in Knoxville to replace the former DPW Division 4 building.
Project information about the design and demolition plans for removal of City owned bridge which crosses over PennDOT SR 51 (Saw Mill Run Blvd).
A list of the city's existing skate parks and skate facilities, and a place for collecting feedback on where residents want to see more skate facilities.
This plan focuses on ways to strengthen and improve the community while proactively preparing for future growth and change.
A community engagement process to inform the improvements to Albert Graham Playground.
The City of Pittsburgh was allocated $8 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) funds to assist unhoused people and families facing housing insecurity.
A community engagement process to inform the improvements to the park and playground.
This plan, once complete, will ensure that Pittsburgh's future neighborhood plans have a consistent and shared vision for the future.
Project information about the design and construction plans for the Larimer Ave bridge over Washington Blvd between Larimer and Lincoln-Lemington-Belmar.
Mechanical system replacement, acoustic improvement, and façade repairs of the McKinley Recreation Center
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy will revitalize the McKinley Park Community Grove with input from Beltzhoover, Bon Air, and Knoxville neighbors.
DOMI is working to address landslides at select locations in Riverview Park. Follow this page for updates!
Penn State University researchers are working with the City and partners to assess a tool for monitoring activity that might preempt landslides and other geohazards.
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is rehabilitating the 1930s-era Valley Refuge Shelter in Riverview Park on Pittsburgh's Northside.
DOMI is making traffic safety improvements along Chartiers Avenue, from Windgap Avenue to Middletown Road.
This project will provide the City with more efficient, longer-lasting light fixtures that will reduce energy use and lower cost.
Pittsburgh’s DOMI, District 7, Lawrenceville United, Lawrenceville Corporation, and PPA are implementing plans for a Mobility Enhancement District (MED) in Lawrenceville.
DOMI and Pittsburgh Parking Authority are implementing automated enforcement of select bike lanes and no-parking areas using pole-mounted license-plate-reader technology.
The Department of City Planning is proposing legislation to ensure the City of Pittsburgh Zoning Code complies with the federal Fair Housing Act.
DOMI is replacing Calera Street Bridge, which carries Calera Street over Streets Run in Hays. This project will be funded with state and federal funding.
DOMI is replacing the Corley Street Bridge which carries Corley Street over Streets Run in Hays neighborhood. This project is supported with state and federal funding.
DOMI is replacing the Maple Avenue Bridge, which carries Maple Avenue over North Charles Street in Perry South, with the support of state and federal funding.
An innovative neighborhood plan that incorporates the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) to transform Homewood into a desirable place to live, work, worship, and visit.
The Mayor’s Office of Equal Protection is enforcing the Paid Sick Days Act, which guarantees an opportunity for covered employees to acquire paid sick time hours.
Automated Red Light Running Enforcement (ARLE) uses cameras and sensors to automatically detect and record vehicles that run red lights at intersections.
MoveForwardPGH is a DOMI initiative to implement its new Bike(+) Plan from 2020 to 2021. This page is no longer being updated.
Project information about the planned rehabilitation of the West Carson Bridge of Chartiers Creek on the boarder of the City of Pittsburgh and McKees Rocks.
The Safe Routes to School program promotes students biking and walking to school through education, encouragement, and safety improvements.
Department of Public Works is updating Marmaduke Playground in the Brighton Heights neighborhood and wants your feedback!
Department of Public Works is updating Chadwick Playground in Lincoln-Lemington-Belmar and wants your feedback!
Mayor Gainey is excited to relaunch My Brother's Keeper (MBK), a community-driven program fostering empowerment and support for Black men and boys in need.
Valoramos su colaboración para procurar que el personal directivo de Pittsburgh sea tan diverso como lo es la ciudad.
This page is where existing RCOs can apply for recertification.
Department of Public Works is updating Michael Flynn/Spring Garden Park in the Spring Garden neighborhood and wants your feedback!
The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure is sharing information about changes to specific Residential Parking Permit Zones. Learn more about these affected zones.
Watersheds of South Pittsburgh in partnership with the Department of City Planning and other partners are implementing the Saw Mill Run Green Boulevard Master Plan.
Historic District Design Guidelines provide guidance of a proposed exterior work, alteration, construction, or demolition to a historic property or historic district.
We seek to with Pittsburgh's Disability Community and its allies to guide policymaking and the creation of a roadmap to a more inclusive Pittsburgh.
A community engagement process to inform the upgrades to Manchester Park.
Social Lane, near Social Way, has confused first responders attending to calls in the area. As such we would like to rename Social Lane to something different.
A mobility plan for four West Pittsburgh neighborhoods
A program to evaluate vending policy in the City of Pittsburgh.
Quick-build traffic calming on S 18th St from E Carson St to Monastery St; part of 2025 suite of Vision Zero implementation projects
City Planning is reviewing development applications for compliance with the City’s Zoning Ordinance.
Public Service Grants have funded projects such as food pantries, youth programs, job training, career counseling, literacy programs, senior activity programs, and more.
Reimagining Boundary St. / S Neville St. to create a safe corridor for all roadway users.
Historic Preservation Program
The City of Pittsburgh owns 143 active bridges that span and climb our uneven terrain of rivers, runs, and valleys.
A streetscape improvement plan for South 21st street.
The Department of City Planning and Pittsburgh Water are partnering to create a joint program to convert underutilized vacant lots to green stormwater infrastructure.
Project information about the design and construction plans for rehabilitation of the South Negley Avenue Bridge over the PRT East Busway and Norfolk Southern Railroad
The City of Pittsburgh is conducting a regional disparity study to understand the effects of race, ethnicity, and gender in the ability to do business throughout the city