June 2024 Update

In early June 2024 DOMI began work on the sidewalk project between Ophelia Street and Hamlet Street.

Lawn Street Promenade

This project will consist of full-depth construction of 8-10' sidewalk and curb along the south side of Lawn Street in South Oakland. Tree pits, benches, and other street furniture will be considered and installed as design constraints allow.

An image of Lawn Street. On the left side of the image is the area where the new Promenade will be constructed; it is currently a wide flat area adjacent to the street.

Existing conditions on Lawn Street.

A draft plan of the Lawn Street Promenade.

8'-10' sidewalk will be constructed, with intermittently spaced tree pits and other street furnishings as design constraints allow.

A map showing the South Oakland neighborhood with Lawn Street outlined in red.

The location of Lawn Street. The Promenade will be constructed along portions of the street.