The Mellon Park Action Plan was completed in 2022 and represents the vision and priorities of the residents and community members who love and use Mellon Park. The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh, are continuing efforts to implement the recommendations outlined in the Action Plan. We invite you to continue to follow the project and participate in the process!
Pathways, Lighting, and Entrances Project

The Pathways and Lighting project will focus on addressing pathways, lighting, and new entrances in the north side of the park along Fifth and Penn Avenues (highlighted by a blue dashed line).
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is excited to announce that design and permitting work will soon begin on the next phase of work in Mellon Park! Identified as a 'Tier 1 Priority Project' in the 2022 Action Plan, the Pathways, Lighting, and Entrances Project will focus on improving park accessibility and connectivity in the north side of the park.
The project will include the following improvements:
- A new park entrance at the corner of Fifth and Penn Avenues, and upgrades to existing park entrances at Fifth Ave and Beechwood Blvd and Penn Ave and Bakery Square Blvd.
- Upgrades to interior shared-use pathways along Fifth and Penn Avenues, including new paving, site furnishings, and tree plantings.
- New pedestrian-scale lighting along Fifth and Penn Avenue pathways, providing safe access to park amenities during evening hours.
Design and permitting work will take place during 2025, with construction tentatively anticipated to start in 2026. Please follow along for project updates, or reach out to Jessie Demoise at with any questions, concerns, or feedback.
This is project is generously supported by the City of Pittsburgh's Parks Tax Fund.
Entrances and Signage Project
Park Entrances and Signage Improvement Project
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy has nearly completed construction on park entrance and signage upgrades in Mellon Park! Identified as a Tier 1 priority project in the Mellon Park Action Plan, the goal of the project was to implement improvements to existing park entrances that provide continuity and consistency for Mellon Park, install a comprehensive signage package that identifies park amenities, assists wayfinding, and provides rules and regulations, and establish design characteristics and materials palette that are appropriate for use on both sides of the park for future phases of work.
The project improved a total of 7 existing entrances, including new paving and site furnishings, and added way finding and park identification signage at key locations on both sides of the park. Below are a few images of some of the improvements.
There are still a few punch list items that need to be addressed, including installing site furnishings and re-establishing lawn areas disturbed by construction activity. We hope to have these items complete by Spring 2025.
Thank you for patience while we work to improve Mellon Park!
Development Activities Meeting- 1/4/2024
The Point Breeze Organization and Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy hosted a Development Activities Meeting on January 4, 2024 to present the project and get public feedback. A video recording of the meeting, as well as a PDF of the presentation materials, can be found below.
Document Library
Development Activities Meeting Recording
Mellon Park Action Plan
The Action Plan Report is now available!
The Mellon Park Action Plan Report is available for viewing and download. The report has been divided into three sections for more convenient access. The 'Recommendations' section outlines the community engagement process and final recommendations for future improvements to Mellon Park. The 'Implementation Strategy' section maps out a recommended, phased approach to implementation and provides more detailed description of the various improvement projects. The 'Appendix' section provides more detailed analysis and technical information that was used as the basis for the recommended improvements.
If you have any additional questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Brandon Riley at Thank you again for your participation in this process!