Update February 2025
Ninety-two of those deer were donated to local food banks, which provided 3,680 pounds of venison and 14,720 meals to residents.

Deer Management Report
In cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) the City of Pittsburgh is expanding its Deer Management Program for the upcoming 2024-2025 season. This will include an archery program in Frick, Riverview, Schenley, Highland, and Emerald View Parks. In addition, a pilot targeted harvesting program will take place in Frick and Riverview Parks at the conclusion of archery season while the parks are closed overnight.
Interested archers can enter into a lottery system from which 50 archers will be selected, along with 50 alternate archers. All selected archers must pass a criminal background check and fulfill the following criteria:
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Be a resident of Allegheny County (priority will be given to City of Pittsburgh residents)
- Have a clean criminal background check, including a clean PA Game Commission record
- Plan to purchase a 2B Antlerless Tag
- Not participating in other deer management programs
Upon passing a criminal background check, the selected archers will be required to attend an accuracy test on Thursday, July 11 from 3-7 p.m. OR Sunday, July 14 from 9-3 p.m. If the accuracy test is passed, each hunter will be assigned a hunter ID number and a specific location within a park where they are permitted to hunt.
Additional program stipulations:
- There is a zero-tolerance policy. Any hunter who violates the guidelines outlined in this program or commits a game-law felony will result in immediate expulsion from the program.
- Every archer is REQUIRED to take a doe first. This doe must be donated to a food bank program, such as Hunters Sharing the Harvest.
- Absolutely no field dressing is allowed on-site. ALL dressing must be performed at the authorized dressing location.
- Complete an online post-hunt summary within 24-hours of a successful or non-successful hunt.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What are the safety measures in place for this program?
- Why does the city need a deer management program?
- Why now?
- When will these hunts take place during the 2024-2025 season?
- Why does the City of Pittsburgh require a doe to be taken first?
- Why not use fertility control?
- My home borders the park. How can I make sure hunters aren't entering my yard?
- If the parks are posted for No Hunting why are they allowing hunting?
- Is Archery safe?
- What is “Targeted Harvesting?”
- Why do we need targeted harvesting?
- When and where will this occur?
- Is it safe?
- Who will be doing the target harvesting?
- Will I hear gunshots?
- Why can’t we just use archery?
- What will happen with the harvested deer?
- How many deer will be removed?
- How do we know we are not harvesting and donating meat contaminated with Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)?