Upcoming Daytime Bridge Closures: March 29 - April 6

To advance the structural engineering analysis, geotechnical engineers will be on site starting in late March to evaluate the roadway, substructure, and bridge foundation by using a drilling rig to collect material borings. This work is performed at numerous points across the bridge and around the abutments and will require detouring traffic during working hours.

The work is currently scheduled to begin Saturday, March 29th and will run through Sunday, April 6th.

Pedestrian access will be maintained.

During weekends, vehicles will be detoured from 7:00AM to 7:00PM.

During weekdays, vehicles will be detoured from 9:00AM to 3:00PM.

The suggested detour route for vehicles uses the following roads:

  • Centre Avenue, South Aiken Avenue, and Fifth Avenue

Project Background

The South Negley Avenue Bridge is scheduled for a comprehensive rehabilitation which is currently in the Preliminary Engineering phase of the project. The bridge was originally built in 1925 as a partnership between the City of Pittsburgh and the Pennsylvania Railroad to span over the Mainline. Today the City's Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) is coordinating with Norfolk Southern Railroad and PennDOT to advance this necessary project.

Because the bridge is a contributing element to the historic railroad corridor, the engineering effort started with a Historic Bridge Rehabilitation Analysis (HBRA) to determine if it is feasible and prudent to rehabilitate the current bridge while still meeting the project partners' goals (improved safety, improved access). The HBRA report concluded the bridge should be rehabilitated. With these findings, DOMI and Norfolk Southern have established the baseline requirements for the rehabilitated structure and anticipate progressing through preliminary engineering activities in the year ahead.

The "nuts and bolts" of rehabilitating a busy urban bridge over a railroad and transit expressway requires several years of design and engineering effort to ensure construction is safe, minimally disruptive, and the bridge continues to serve the Pittsburgh community for another 100 years.

As preliminary engineering progress, DOMI will provide updates on this page and will host a public meeting to collect feedback. We appreciate your patience as we advance this exciting project!

For more information about the City of Pittsburgh's bridges and DOMI's other major bridge projects in the works, please check the following: https://engage.pittsburghpa.gov/city-bridges.