The City of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Parking Authority have implemented Smart Loading Zones as a new way to manage our curb space to increase delivery efficiency and decrease congestion and emissions.
Use the tabs below to learn more about the program, view a map of existing zones, provide feedback for locations that are being considered for future zones, and more.
Program Information
How does it work?
- License plate reading technology analyzes real-time curbside activity and automates payment for the time a vehicle spends at the curbs.
- There is a 15-minute grace period for all users. If a driver expects to remain in the zone for more than 15 minutes, they will need to register and will be automatically billed for beyond the grace period.
- Registration is only required one time – after that, all future billing for use of the zone will be done automatically through the license plate reading technology.
- Smart Loading Zones are enforced Monday through Saturday, from 8am to 6pm
What is the program intended to do?
- Increase delivery efficiency and reduce dwell time.
- Increase parking turnover for restaurants and small businesses.
- Improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and other curb users.
- Reduce congestion caused by parking and double-parking.
- Decrease emissions from unnecessary idling and circling.
What have the results been so far?
January 2022 – December 2024, the SLZ program was piloted to test the
effectiveness of the technology and related policies. Results of the pilot
period were as follows:
- 70% increase in turnover, meaning more vehicles are using these zones for short term loading.
- 60% decrease in average park duration, meaning vehicles are parking for less time, leaving the zone available more often for others to use.
- Up to 85% of parks utilize the 15% grace period.
In November 2023, the rates for Smart Loading Zones were updated. Every zone has a 15-minute grace period before rates kick in. Current rates vary by neighborhood and are based on the respective meter parking rates in the surrounding area. This update also includes a new 15-minute grace period for all users. A sample of rates can be found below:

Yes, there is a free 15-minute grace period at all zones for non-registered users. For any time beyond the first 15 minutes, vehicles must be registered and pay for use of the zone. Unregistered vehicles parked beyond the 15 min grace period will receive a ticket in the mail.
You can register your vehicle by scanning the QR code on the sign, or at https://curbpass.io/pittsburgh.
Any driver may register their vehicle, including individual drivers, commercial delivery drivers, fleets, and TNCs.
Smart Loading Zones are enforced Monday through Saturday, 8am – 6pm.
The Smart Loading Zones use license plate reading technology to monitor and enforce the zones. If a violation is detected, a ticket is mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. There may be up to a ten-day delay between a violation and receiving a ticket in the mail due to processing and mailing times.
Violations include:
- Use of the zone beyond the 15-minute grace period by an unregistered vehicle.
- Double parking adjacent to the zone.
- Use of the zone for longer than the 2-hour maximum.
Violations will result in a $40 ticket.
Tickets should be paid within 30 days of the initial notification mailing date in order to avoid late fees.
- 31 days after mailing: $23 late fee added
- 41 days after mailing: $15 late fee added
Tickets can be paid using the following methods:
- Online: www.Pittsburghparking.com
- By Phone: 866-353-7151
- By Mail: PO Box 640, Pittsburgh, PA 15230
- In Person: Pittsburgh Parking Court (240 4th Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222)
Contest a ticket and schedule a hearing:
- Phone: 866-353-7151
- Online: www.dsparkingportal.com/pittsburgh
Automotus Customer Support
- Phone: 714-769-8192
- Email: pittsburgh_support@automotus.co
Privacy and Security
Unlike a surveillance system or traditional camera recording system, Automotus’s technology captures only three specific types of data:
- Vehicle license plate information for the sole purpose of automatically processing parking payments
- De-identified traffic and curb activity metadata to inform smarter policies
- De-identified sample image data to train the technology
License plate information is the only form of personally identifiable information that Automotus collects and it never captures or shares this information for any purpose other than to facilitate automated payment.
For more information, you can review Automotus’s full policy on its website: https://www.automotus.co/privacypolicy