El Departamento de Movilidad e Infraestructura, en colaboración con el Distrito 4 del Concejo, está implementando una serie de mejoras en las instalaciones peatonales de la avenida Broadway (empezando desde la avenida Wenzell hasta la avenida Fallowfield).
Pedestrian & Safety Improvements
This project is a continuation of the Broadway Avenue Public Realm (BAPR) project that was derived from the SMART TRID Study completed in May 2011. During the extensive engagements that have taken place between summer 2017 and spring 2019 in the planning phase, pedestrian crossings and ADA accessibility improvements have been identified as a major focus by the residents and everyday users of the Broadway Avenue corridor.
The project is funded by a combination of a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and the city's capital budget.
En Español: Este proyecto es una continuación del proyecto Broadway Avenue Public Realm (BAPR), que se derivó del estudio SMART TRID completado en mayo de 2011.
Project Goal
The goal of this project is to implement a series of pedestrian safety and accessibility improvement projects on the Broadway Avenue corridor.
These improvements include:
- Pedestrian crossing enhancements
- ADA facilities upgrade
- Steps upgrade
Estas mejoras incluyen:
- Mejoras en los cruces peatonales
- Actualización de las instalaciones de la ADA (Acta de Americanos con Discapacidades)
- Actualización de las escaleras.
Las mejoras reducirán la distancia de cruce de peatones, mejorarán la visibilidad por la noche, mejorarán las líneas de visión de los vehículos que giran, harán que las estaciones de T en Hampshire y Shiras sean accesibles desde la banqueta y mejorarán el acceso a la curva para personas con diversas necesidades físicas y dispositivos.
La construcción está programada para llevarse a cabo entre el otoño de 2023 y la primavera de 2024.
Para obtener más información, consulte los mapas y las propuestas específicas para cada ubicación a continuación.
Location-Specific Issues & Proposed Improvements / Problemas y mejoras específicos de la ubicación
Overview of Improvements

Pedestrian crossing enhancements:
The improvements will include the following treatments:
- Curb extension
- Crosswalk visibility upgrade
ADA facilities upgrade:
The improvement will include the following treatments:
- ADA Ramp upgrade
- Road surface improvement for individuals in rolling devices
Step upgrade:
The improvement will include the following treatments:
- Steps street sign
- New railings, landings, and drainage system
- necessary concrete repairs on steps and support beams
- Necessary paintings
Las mejoras en los cruces peatonales incluirán los siguientes tratamientos:
- extensión de la banqueta
- mejora de la visibilidad del cruce peatonal.
La actualización de las instalaciones de la ADA incluirá los siguientes tratamientos:
- actualización de la rampa de la ADA
- mejora de la superficie de la carretera para personas en dispositivos rodantes
La actualización de las escaleras incluirá los siguientes tratamientos:
- nuevas señales de tráfico
- pintura
- las reparaciones estructurales necesarias
Broadway Ave & Fallowfield Ave
Identified Issues:
- The ADA ramps need to be upgraded.
- The cobblestone layer makes it difficult for individuals in wheelchairs and parents with stroller to navigate.
Completed Improvement:
- Cover the cobblestone brick layer with a plain, non-skid concrete surface.
Remaining Proposed Improvement:
- Upgrade the existing ADA ramp.(Picture is for example purpose only)
Broadway Ave & Hampshire Ave
Identified Issues:
- Existing concrete bollards are creating safety issues for the turning vehicles.
- The current painted extensions lack the vertical grade to enhance pedestrian visibility.
- The painted extensions lack regular maintenance.
Proposed Improvements:
- Remove the concrete bollards and replace them with standard concrete curb extensions.
- ADA improvement: extend the T-platform to the sidewalk and improve ramps.
Note: No parking removal is expected. One (1) additional parking space will be added.
Post- construction picture:
Broadway Ave & Coast Ave-Realty Ave
Identified Issues:
- The five-leg intersection geometry is difficult to navigate.
- There is limited sight distance for the turning vehicles in both directions on Coast Ave.
- The pedestrian crossing distance is long.
- The north leg of Broadway Ave. is a frequently used pedestrian crossing with no marked crosswalk.
Proposed Improvements:
- Concrete curb extensions (bump-outs) will be constructed on all four legs to ensure adequate sight distance for the turning vehicles and reduce crossing distance for pedestrians. All the crosswalks and the stop bars will be pulled closer to the intersection for better visibility.
- Additional marked pedestrian crosswalk will be added on the north leg of Broadway Ave.
- Realty Ave. will remain two-way but there will be restriction on all NB Realty Ave. left-turn movements to Broadway Ave. NB Traffic from Realty can only make a right turn from the Coast Ave.-Realty intersection.
- Necessary signage and pavement markings will be accommodated.
Post- construction picture:
Broadway Ave & Belasco Ave
Identified Issue:
- The ADA ramps need to be upgraded.
Proposed Improvement:
- Upgrade the ADA Ramps.(Picture is for example purpose only)
Broadway Ave & Pauline Ave
Identified Issues:
- Pedestrian crossings across Broadway Avenue are long and unsignalized.
- There are short sightlines and poor visibility for turning vehicles driving northbound on Pauline Avenue, approaching Broadway Avenue.
Proposed Improvements:
- Create a concrete curb extension to reduce crossing distance for pedestrians and enhance sight lines for turning vehicles.
- Upgrade the ADA ramps.
Post-construction picture:
Broadway Ave & Boustead St
Identified Issues:
- The pedestrian crossings are long.
- The Y-shaped alignment reduces sightlines for cars.
- Parked vehicles along Broadway Avenue create blind-spots for turning vehicles and pedestrians attempting to cross Broadway Avenue.
Proposed Improvements:
- Create curb extensions to change the "Y" alignment of the intersection to the standard "T" intersection.
- Reduce pedestrian crossing distances.
- Improve the sightline distances for turning vehicles.
- Ensure blind spots are cleared from illegal parking.
- Install additional sidewalks connecting to the intersection.
Post-construction picture:
Broadway Ave & Shiras Ave
Identified Issues:
- Existing concrete bollards are creating safety issues for the turning vehicles.
- The current painted extensions lack the vertical grade to improve pedestrian visibility.
- The painted extensions lack regular maintenance.
Proposed Improvements:
- Remove the concrete bollards and replace them with standard concrete curb extensions.
- Extend the T-platform to the sidewalk and improve the ADA ramps.
Note: One (1) additional parking will be added.
Post-construction picture:
Broadway Ave & Neeld Ave
Identified Issue:
- Existing ADA ramps crossing Neeld Avenue need upgrades on both sides.
Proposed Improvement:
- Upgrade the ADA ramps.(Picture is for example purpose only)
Steps Upgrade
The steps that will get upgraded are:
- Coast Ave
- Rutherford Ave
- Belasco Ave
- Boustead St.
All the step upgrades will feature the following components:
- New railings, landings on grade, and aggregate drain.
- Steps street signs.
- Concrete step spalls and support repairs and new or painted railings
The photos below are for example purposes only.