The Complete Streets Advisory Group (CSAG) shall provide feedback to help align projects with the principals identified in the city’s Complete Street Policy, and to recommend changes, as necessary, to achieve its purposes.
As an advisory body of the City of Pittsburgh's Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI), the committee will have oversight of the following City documents:
Guided By Standards Within:
Complete Streets and State of Mobility Report
Please view the Complete Streets & State of Mobility 2023 report here.

High Injury Network
New Member Orientation
Functions of the Advisory Group
The CSAG shall have the responsibilities as provided in this section and such other duties as the Director of DOMI may determine:
- Create and/or review a biennial progress report which includes:
- Linear miles of new bicycle infrastructure
- Linear feet of new pedestrian infrastructure
- Number of pedestrian safety improvements
- Number of intersections upgraded to be ADA compliant
- Number and rate of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle crashes & fatalities
- Before and after data related to traffic calming
- Transit ridership
- Street Improvements
- Changes in Travel behavior
- Improvements to the quality of transit service
- Changes in travel behavior
- Number of green infrastructure improvements
- Complete streets projects located in low to moderate income communities
- Consulted on an as needed basis for larger projects such as:
- Creation of street design standards for Pittsburgh.
- Outreach and advocacy efforts
- Create educational material for the public regarding Complete Streets.
- Study and make recommendations regarding the implementation of the city’s Bike+ Plan and report such information to the department staff.
- Make recommendations on matters related to or advance the principles outlined in the Complete Streets Policy to the department staff.
Member Composition

Meeting Format
The CSAG shall establish a regular time and place of meeting to hold quarterly meetings. Special meetings of the committee may be called by any four (4) or more members of the group, with permission of the staff facilitators. Personal notice must be given to all members of the group.
Length: 1.5 hours
- Introduction
- Quarterly Agenda Topics - 30 to 40 minutes
- Q&A - 20 minutes
- Guest Speaker / CSAG member presentation – 30 minutes
Quarterly Meeting Topic Focus
Spring meeting – Construction Kick-off
- Complete Streets Projects
- Traffic Signal Projects
- Traffic Calming Projects
- Corridor safety and landscape safety improvement projects
- Sidewalk projects
- Trails
- Bridge
- Planning activities
- Paving
Summer meeting - Capital Budget
- Committee member recommendations
- DOMI draft recommendations
Fall meeting - CSAG Committee Team Led Discussion
- Informal nature, possibly outdoor onsite.
Winter meeting - Year Review and Looking forward
- Biennial Progress report to City Council
- Report Year review – follow DOMI Performance Audit recommendations 5 and 6
- Hold over projects