Building on the planning work done previously by the area residents and community organizations, we will be identifying priorities and necessary projects for activating the North Charles Street Greenway, formally known as the Perry South Greenway.

The Greenway was originally dedicated in 2010, and surrounds the decommissioned street, Harlan Avenue.

What's your vision for this space?

What words or phrase comes to mind when you think about entering this space--what would you want to see, hear, smell, feel? (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

14 June, 2024

Cole says:

A vibrant walkable space with affordable houses, new businesses and a new connect between Perry south and central Northside

9 February, 2024

Derek says:

I would like to see more native plantings. Trees, plants and flowers. More green the better.

29 November, 2023

anon says:

The space looks great and need some before and after photos here.

23 October, 2023

Anonymous says:

A place for anyone to enjoy as a peaceful spot & not feel as if they are not welcome because they aren't necessarily from that neighborhood

30 March, 2023

Cjarnold says:

A walking trail that would led to the city steps at the top. With benching to sit down .Fruit trees, flowers on the trail. Keep knotweed out

29 March, 2023

Jon H says:

It would be nice to find some way to name a trail or the greenway as a whole after Dorothy Mae Richardson, who lived just a block away

29 March, 2023

Micki says:

No knotweed for sure (!), well maintained with lighting and greenery and plants that don't require a lot of maintenance.

29 March, 2023

nnoszkaFCCPHCC says:

My vision is to have a walking trail that looks like its been there since the beginning of time.

10 March, 2023

Carla says:

Would like to see landscaped area with walkable trails for all ages. Fruit trees, Sunflower, benches and all types of greenery.

3 March, 2023

Rebecca says:

Native plants! An accessible, well-maintained path with seating and lighting. Art and signage that celebrates the community.

3 March, 2023

Giselle says:

More trails in the Perry North and South Better conservancy of Riverview Park

2 March, 2023

Janet Gunter says:

I only hope that the natural vegetation can survive (THAT MEANS NO KNOTWEED!) and that the area remain quiet and green.