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Emerald View Park Master Plan

Emerald View Park is a 250-acre regional park located in the City of Pittsburgh's Mount Washington, Duquesne Heights, and Allentown neighborhoods. Emerald View Regional Park is the most recent addition to Pittsburgh's regional park system. Pittsburgh's regional parks, including Frick Park, Schenley Park, Highland Park, and Riverview Park, are vital cultural and ecological assets, each with unique identities that contribute to the City's iconic urban landscape. Emerald View Park includes a variety of public open spaces, greenways, trails, Grandview Avenue, and multiple neighborhood parks (Olympia Park, Mt. Washington Park, Grandview Park, Eileen McCoy Park, and Ream Park). The Emerald View Park Regional Master Plan will guide the future of the park. The goal is to connect the park's ecology, history, and culture in order to preserve the park's significance as a collection of neighborhood amenities and elevate its role as a regional destination.

The Emerald View Park Master Plan has been developed through a master plan process that includes community engagement, ecological review, and design of functional spaces.

Quick Poll

What area of Emerald View Park do you visit most often?

This poll has concluded.

  • Grandview Avenue overlook areas
    20% (77 votes)
  • I've never been there... yet
    4% (15 votes)
  • Duquesne Heights greenway and trails
    16% (61 votes)
  • Olympia Park
    9% (34 votes)
  • Mt. Washington Park
    1% (5 votes)
  • Grandview Park
    16% (60 votes)
  • Eileen McCoy Playground
    1% (5 votes)
  • Ream Park
    2% (7 votes)
  • I regularly visit multiple areas of Emerald View
    32% (123 votes)
Total Votes: 387

Project Team:

  • Department of City Planning
  • Consultant Team led by Merritt Chase (landscape architecture) and their sub-consultants:
    • Mon-Win Consulting (public engagement)
    • Spackman Mossop Michaels (park and stormwater planning)
    • Civil & Environmental Consultants (ecology & engineering)
    • Bohlin Cywinski Jackson (architecture)
  • Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

The Advisory Committee has representation from:

  • Council District 2 Office - Kail-Smith
  • Council District 4 Office - Coghill
  • City Council Office Budget Director
  • Department of Public Works
  • Department of Mobility & Infrastructure
  • Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority
  • Office of the Mayor, Neighborhood Empowerment
  • Office of Management & Budget
  • Public Safety / Park Rangers
  • Mount Washington Community Development Corp.
  • Allentown Community Development Corp. / Hilltop Alliance
  • Neighbors on the Mount
  • Ream Recreation Center & Community Garden
  • Washington Heights Athletic Association
  • Emerald View Park Sustainability Committee

And most importantly: YOU! We will be looking for your input and will post more information about our public engagement plan soon.

We want to hear from all current and potential park users about your needs and wishes for Emerald View Park. As with all City Planning projects, equity and accessibility are top priorities, throughout this planning process, during implementation, and in the day-to-day use of the park. Please create an account with this site and click 'Follow' to get project updates. We will soon be posting a survey to gather more information about how people use the park and their ideas for improvement. We will also be scheduling the first (digital) meeting for late October. There will be additional opportunities for participation as we add more to this site - stay tuned!

In order to maintain equitable public input and keep everyone safe and healthy, the City of Pittsburgh is using online engagement tools. Materials will be posted on this site and all public workshops will be held virtually until it is safe to meet in person again.