Read the Fort Pitt Park Master Plan Below!

What have people said about the proposed plans?
19 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
I like moving the public activity to Hillcrest Street (playground, basketball courts, formal entrance to the fields), w/parking in rear.
18 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
Park access is very difficult. Need to improve stair, walkway and street connections for neighbors' access.
17 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
I do wish there was an option for the tennis court to stay. Also, the stairs leading up to the park from N Winebiddle St need updates.
16 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
We need to consider the connection of the park to the surrounding areas, specifically increasing the visibility and connection to Penn Ave
16 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
Try to keep the playground isolated from the other activities and especially from traffic. The walking loop is key for the future green zone
16 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
All 4 plans over rely on car parking. Improve stair connections to site, and re-routing the 89 would make more usable space
16 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
Keep parking between 50-60; the less impervious surfaces the better. Ensure accessibility via walking & biking are not secondary to cars.
16 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
Add a track around the field.
Make the field multi-sport focused (soccer, lacrosse, etc) lights for night play.
16 November, 2020
1nut says:
The parents, teachers and volunteers built that playground when the City tore down the old one in front
We want the best for our childrens.
12 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
A new emphasis on walking and green areas. The main focus should remain for it to be a place for sports and a kid's playground.
11 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
Walking path that circulates around the entire park + more access. #4 has a nice layout but far too much parking/weird config.
10 November, 2020
Anonymous says:
That the field remains for the youth football of The Garfield Gators