Review the draft Greater Hill District Master Plan

As the Greater Hill District Master Plan goes through the adoption process, the City needs community feedback that addresses the draft plan. The plan is divided into multiple chapters including: Introduction, Community, Development, Infrastructure, and Mobility.

Click the button below to view the first draft of the Greater Hill District Master Plan!

After reviewing the draft plan, make your voice heard by providing feedback on each chapter using the links below.

NEW: Read the Draft Greater Hill District Plan

After reviewing the draft plan, click on the links below to leave your feedback.

Click on the links below to provide feedback on the draft chapters:


The City of Pittsburgh is working with the Hill District community to update and adopt the Greater Hill District Master Plan from 2011 and help make the vision in that plan a reality.

Community leaders, residents, and other stakeholders completed the original Hill District Master Plan in 2011, setting forth a number of community goals, program initiatives, and urban design proposals. The final document includes provisions for improved streetscapes, new development, transportation infrastructure, urban agriculture, and local cooperative programming. This initial plan outlined development principles, non-displacement strategies, and reclamation goals for the Lower Hill in addition to the aforementioned program and urban design initiatives. Now, the City of Pittsburgh is working with community stakeholders to formalize the 2011 plan in accordance with the DCP Neighborhood Plan Guide and make updates to reflect the dynamic needs of the Hill.

Once adopted by the Planning Commission, the Greater Hill District Master Plan will become City policy and guide public and private investments in the area. New land use regulations, transportation and infrastructure improvements, and public programs may be recommended in the plan. The plan area generally includes the neighborhoods of Crawford-Roberts, Middle Hill, Terrace Village, Bedford Dwellings, Upper Hill, and the Lower Hill.

The process to update and adopt the Greater Hill District Master Plan will continue the inclusive and collaborative undertaking for improving and continuing to “Build Upon the African American Cultural Legacy”. Whether you are a resident, work in the Hill District, or are another kind of stakeholder, we want to hear from you.

This neighborhood planning process will update and enhance the Greater Hill District Master Plan (2011) and incorporate other community plans including the Greenprint (2009) and the Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan (2015).

Pittsburgh can meet its goals to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future through the collective action of our neighborhoods. Community input informed the creation of citywide goals that are now being translated into action through a new generation of neighborhood plans.

Pittsburgh’s neighborhood plans focus on four topics areas:

  • Community: Meeting the needs of residents, employees, students, and stakeholders.
  • Development: Maximizing the benefits of new development for the community.
  • Mobility: Making it easier, safer, and healthier for people to get around.
  • Infrastructure: Nourishing neighborhoods through new energy, stormwater, and open space systems.

The Original Greater Hill District Master Plan (September 2011)


  • Building upon the African American cultural legacy;
  • Creating family-friendly housing without displacement;
  • Fostering economic empowerment and commercial development;
  • Making the Hill District a green and well-designed community; and
  • Mobility, Transportation, and Parking.

Development Guidance:

  • Development Strategies (Appendix A)
    • Address/Right Historical Wrongs
    • Promote Economic Justice
    • Reflect Neighborhood Driven Civic Design
    • Promote a Green and Healthy Environment
    • Utilize Neighborhood Strengths and Assets
  • Non-Displacement Strategies (Appendix B)
  • Strategies for Reclaiming the Lower Hill (Appendix C)

Additional Studies identified:

  • Community Arts Plan
  • Education/Lifelong Learning Plan
  • Historic Preservation
  • Neighborhood Safety and Crime Reduction
  • Zoning Review
  • Transportation and Access Study

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a collaborative group comprised of representatives for the organizations, businesses, institutions, and residents of the Hill District. The Committee works with public agency staff to develop the Public Engagement Plan, review the work of the Action Teams, help to develop the resulting plan and support the plan's adoption. Organizations will also be asked to commit to working on the plan's implementation. Committee members are expected to participate fully in the planning process, represent their organization and themselves, and report back to the community.


The Greater Hill District Master Plan Steering Committee co-chairs are Hill CDC President and CEO Marimba Milliones & Councilman R. Daniel Lavelle.


The following organizations are contributing to the Oakland Plan process by helping to run the Steering Committee and Action Teams.

In order to maintain equitable public input and keep everyone safe and healthy, the City of Pittsburgh is utilizing online engagement tools. Materials will be posted for longer periods of time on websites that are mobile friendly, and all virtual engagements will be recorded and posted for later viewing. As we continue to roll out improvements that address issues around the digital divide.

Previous Engagement

Learn more about Action Teams, and What they do!

If you could spotlight one cultural establishment of the Hill District what would it be?


We want to know your favorite cultural asset (corner, statue, public art, street corner, etc.) in the neighborhood. Click "Add Marker" to drop a pin. You can then add a comment to tell us a bit more about why it matters to you. You can drop as many pins as you like.

5 contributions

How else would you like to see the African American cultural legacy displayed in the Hill District?

Loading Conversation

What actions should the City take to help grow the population of Black residents and businesses in the Hill District?

You can tell us your ideas or you can respond to those from other open house attendees.


Quick Poll

Should the Hill District be a commercial and/or cultural destination for residents of the larger region, or more focused on the residents who live in the neighborhood?

Tell us what you think and hit refresh to see the results from everyone who has responded.

This poll has concluded.

  • A destination: People should come to the Hill.
    38% (10 votes)
  • A neighborhood: Focus on the residents and local businesses.
    54% (14 votes)
  • I'm not sure.
    8% (2 votes)
Total Votes: 26