NEW: Review and provide feedback on the Mobility Chapter's Vision Statement and Goals
The Hill District will have an improved mobility and transportation network that better connects residents to jobs, services, and amenities, creates a destination that is accessible for all, and aligns with the community’s culture and legacy.
What are goals?
Goals are long-term outcomes that organizations and the City of Pittsburgh will work towards by taking action on policies, projects, and programs. Goals are aspirational in nature and express the neighborhood's collective desires and values for various topics in the plan.
M1 | Transit connections to surrounding areas, accessibility, affordability, and efficiency are prioritized to strengthen transit’s role in overcoming systemic inequities. | ||
M2 | Transit stops and station areas are attractive hubs of activity and buses provide the safest, most comfortable, and enjoyable way to get where you’re going. | ||
M3 | The Hill District should be a walkable neighborhood where pedestrians can reach destinations conveniently, comfortably, and safely, while enjoying streetscapes that support social interaction. | ||
M4 | The Hill District's mobility network and its built environment are accessible to people of all ages, abilities, races, and income levels. | ||
M5 | There are zero traffic fatalities and no serious injuries due to traffic in the Hill District. | ||
M6 | On- and off-street parking is continuously managed as a system to meet the needs of existing and future residents, businesses, and visitors with sufficient but not excessive amounts at appropriate locations while not impeding the growth, vitality, and health of the neighborhood. | ||
M7 | Development projects are designed to minimize negative traffic and parking impacts on existing and future residents. | ||
M8 | The Hill District is a safe and connected place where residents can travel within the Hill District and to nearby neighborhoods by bicycle or other means of micromobility. Bicycle infrastructure and activities reflect the Hill District context, topography, and culture. |
What did we get right? Please comment below.
What comments, questions, or concerns do you have about the Goals? Please comment below. (Note: the full draft plan may address some of these, so make sure to check back soon!)
This chapter focuses on how people get around and will include strategies for improving safety, reducing the negative impacts associated with traffic, and shifting trips from the planning area to more efficient and healthy modes of travel.
The Mobility chapter of the neighborhood planning process includes:
- Transit Service and Stations
- Pedestrian Access, Safety, Circulation
- Accessibility
- Traffic Safety
- Parking
- Bike Infrastructure
Healthy Ride (Pittsburgh's Bike Share) - Hill District Station Relocation Survey (click below)
The transportation and mobility study that we are preparing for the Hill District is just one component of the larger ongoing effort to update and adopt your Greater Hill District Master Plan. This study is for everyone who lives, works, visits, and loves the Hill District.
Our efforts focus on the ability for users of all ages and abilities to easily and safely access jobs, schools, grocery stores, doctors, recreational opportunities, and other services that are essential to the function of any city. Improvements and enhancements to the transportation network that make it more accessible for all users regardless of age, ability, or mode play a vital role in one’s economic mobility.
The transportation and mobility study is informed by community input, transportation analyses, and prior plans, and it is guided by the mobility goals expressed in your original 2011 Greater Hill District Master Plan.
Throughout this process, we will be working with the community to identify mobility needs as well as short- and long-term priority projects. We hope you will join us throughout this process.
We are asking you to tell us about the areas of highest concern, need, and opportunity related to mobility and transportation in the Hill District. We have been compiling findings and formulating a list of both short- and long-term projects by project type. We are interested in your feedback on this set of draft mobility projects.
In the Mobility Action Team meetings, we are bringing the list of draft project proposals to you for your review and revision, so we can talk about them further, identify where the opportunities and challenges exist, and make sure the projects are prioritized in a way that reflects community needs and feedback. Community members may also choose to suggest new proposals as needed. Ultimately, we aim to put together a comprehensive list of projects and other recommendations to improve access and mobility for Hill District residents that help address existing needs and support revitalization efforts in line with community goals.
The more we hear from you and the more we talk through the needs, concerns, issues, and opportunities as they relate to transportation and mobility in the Hill District, the stronger the recommendations that come out of the plan will be.
We are building off the mobility goals identified in your original 2011 Greater Hill District Master Plan, and we will also be considering recommendations from other plans, such as the Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan (2015) and the Bedford Connects Transformation Plan (2018).
This website is used as the main portal for collecting feedback. It is the space where you can see what others are saying and get information about what is happening next.
The Mobility Action Team is a working group (open to the public to join) of community members and staff focused on reviewing and revising the mobility proposals generated by the transportation and mobility study and also suggesting new proposals as needed. Proposed short and long-term projects and programs are aimed at making it easier, safer, and healthier to get to and around the Hill District. We invite you to complete the surveys at the top of this page.
The four Action Team Meetings were held on Zoom during the evenings of December 14th, 2021, February 1st, 2022, March 1st, 2022, and March 8th, 2022. The video recordings and presentation slides can be found immediately below. If you could not attend or would like to add more comments, sets of questions for each of the action team meetings are available below for you to provide feedback. Meeting topics and presentation slides can also be found on the right hand side of this page.
A series of pop-up events were held in August 2021 at various locations across the Hill District. Please see the bottom of this page to learn more about these engagement events and materials.
Action Team Meeting 4
GHDMP Mobility Action Team Meeting #4 (3/8/22)
Action Team Meeting #4 -- Presentation Slides (3/8/2022)
Do you have thoughts, questions, concerns, or recommendations related to scooters, mopeds, and Bikeshare bikes in the Hill District?
Do you have any feedback about ways to improve transportation options in the Hill District that do not rely on single occupancy vehicles?
Do you have any feedback about managing on-street parking in the Hill District?
Do you have any feedback about managing off-street parking in the Hill District?
Do you have any additional feedback related to mobility in the Hill District?
Action Team Meeting 3
GHDMP Mobility Action Team Meeting #3 (3/1/22)
Action Team Meeting #3 - Presentation Slides (3/1/2022)
Do you have thoughts or recommendations about public transit and bus service in the Hill District?
Do you have thoughts or specific recommendations related to Hill District bus stops that need upgrades or changes?
Do you have thoughts or recommendations related to mobility hubs for shared bikes and scooters?
Do you have any feedback about adding safer bike routes on select streets in the Hill District?
Do you have any additional feedback related to mobility in the Hill District?
Action Team Meeting 2
GHDMP Mobility Action Team Meeting #2 (2/1/2022)
To watch the video recording on a separate YouTube page, please click here.
Action Team Meeting #2 - Presentation Slides
Do you have thoughts or recommendations about public transit and bus service in the Hill District?
Do you have thoughts or specific recommendations related to Hill District bus stops that need upgrades or changes?
Do you have thoughts or recommendations related to mobility hubs for shared bikes and scooters?
Do you have any feedback about adding safer bike routes on select streets in the Hill District?
Do you have any additional feedback related to mobility in the Hill District?
Action Team Meeting 1
GHDMP Mobility Action Team Meeting #1 (12/14/2021)
To watch the video recording on a separate YouTube page, click here.
Action Team Meeting 1 - Presentation Slides
Do you have any feedback regarding Transportation safety in the Hill District?
Do you have any feedback regarding traffic calming in the Hill District?
Do you have any feedback regarding pedestrian connectivity in the Hill District?
Do you have thoughts about corridor improvement needs in the Hill District?
Do you have any additional feedback?
August 2021 Transportation Study Engagement
Between August 18th and 21st, 2021, we held a series of pop-up events at various locations across the Hill District. We hope you were able to join us. If not, and even if you were, immediately below are the materials that were presented along with a questionnaire for you to provide feedback. A summary of what we heard will be prepared and included in the larger transportation study we are looking to complete in early 2022.
Mobility and Access Improvements Overview

Traffic Calming Overview

Increasing Transportation Options and Parking

Proposed and Potential Transportation Enhancements

Walking, Biking, and Shared Mobility Options