NEW: Review and provide feedback on the Infrastructure chapter!

The Hill District is committed to developing sustainable and resilient systems that embrace renewable energy and environmentally friendly building practices. These systems should also cultivate well-maintained open spaces and thriving natural habitats while also mitigating future climate hazards such as flooding, landslides, and extreme heat.

What are goals?

Goals are long-term outcomes that organizations and the City of Pittsburgh will work towards by taking action on policies, projects, and programs. Goals are aspirational in nature and express the neighborhood's collective desires and values for various topics in the plan.


I1The Hill District's accessible infrastructure systems (utilities, food, digital, roads, stormwater) are high-yielding and resilient.
I2The Hill District contains a network of connected parks and green spaces in addition to integrated natural areas that prioritize a robust tree canopy and habitat restoration to foster environmental stewardship and social bonds.

What did we get right? Please comment below.

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What comments, questions, or concerns do you have about the chapter? Please include the strategy, goal, or policy number in your comment.

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Infrastructure refers to the non-transportation systems that help to nourish and sustain an area. Within the neighborhood plan, many projects come with opportunities to enhance the neighborhood while checking meeting several infrastructure sustainability criteria.

With the need of a long-term and maintainable solution, the infrastructure chapter addresses:

  • Stormwater management
  • Open space
  • Energy system planning
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Tree canopy
  • Habitat restoration
  • Digital network

It also optionally includes urban agriculture, clean air, water use, and systems integration.

Your input is essential to the planning process. Staff and the Steering Committee will use your input to update the Greater Hill District Master Plan

  • Input on this page and other topic-based pages (i.e., Community, Development, Mobility, and Infrastructure) will be used to update existing goals for the plan specific to those topics. This goal language will become part of the plan, but will also be used to guide the proposals developed in the Action Teams in the year ahead.

Learn more about opportunities to be involved on the homepage.

This neighborhood planning process will update and enhance the Greater Hill District Master Plan (2011) and incorporate other community plans including the Greenprint (2009) and the Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan (2015).

Pittsburgh can meet its goals to achieve a more sustainable and equitable future through the collective action of our neighborhoods. Community input informed the creation of citywide goals that are now being translated into action through a new generation of neighborhood plans.

Pittsburgh’s neighborhood plans focus on four topics areas:

  • Community: Meeting the needs of residents, employees, students, and stakeholders.
  • Development: Maximizing the benefits of new development for the community.
  • Mobility: Making it easier, safer, and healthier for people to get around.
  • Infrastructure: Nourishing neighborhoods through new energy, stormwater, and open space systems.

Action Teams are comprised of residents, students, employees, property owners, agencies, and professionals interested in working to develop projects and programs for the neighborhood plan. They are an opportunity for building partnerships while developing feasible action items for the plan.

The Community Action Team develops proposals to serve the needs of the Hill District's existing residents, employees, students, and visitors.

Learn more about Action Teams and how to join them using the bottom on the right of this page.

Action Team Meeting 1

Do you have Digital network feedback?

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Do you have any additional comments regarding air quality?

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Climate Adaptation

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Do you have any additional comments?

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Meeting 2

GHDMP Infrastructure Action Team Meeting 2

Do you have any feedback regarding climate adaptation in the Hill District?

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Do you have feedback regarding energy utiliteis?

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Do you have any additional feedback?

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Meeting 3

January 22, 2022 - Open Space, Habitat, Stormwater, and Tree Canopy

Do you have thoughts regarding Open Space in the Hill District?

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Do you have thoughts regarding Stormwater in the Hill District?

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Do you have thoughts regarding Tree Canopy in the Hill District?

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Do you have any additional feedback?

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Meeting 4

Action Team Meeting 4 - Urban Agriculture, Waste, and Recycling

Do you have any thoughts regarding urban agriculture in the Hill District?

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Do you have any thoughts regarding waste in the Hill District?

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Do you have any thoughts regarding recycling in the Hill District?

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Learn about the plan's topics and have your say: