About this project

This project will establish the foundation for a joint program between the City of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Water for strategic, large-scale conversion of vacant lots to green stormwater infrastructure. The program will help to address flooding and water quality challenges by advancing stormwater infrastructure implementation in areas facing particularly high Combined Sewer Overflow, flood risks and environmental injustices across Pittsburgh. The design of these sites will vary based on their location, and may include community amenities, such as benches, art, and signage, along with rain gardens, trees, underground retention tanks and other features to capture and manage rainwater. This initiative will improve the climate resiliency of local communities, the quality of life, and promote healthy natural systems and improved water quality in Pittsburgh’s priority watersheds, and establish a model that can be replicated region-wide. The project will begin by focusing in the Negley Run Watershed, with a goal to expand to other areas across the City.

Before: Image of the intersection of Donna Street and Hillcrest Street in the Garfield neighborhood during a rain event before the stormwater infrastructure was built.  After: Image of the intersection of Donna Street and Hillcrest Street in the Garfield neighborhood after the stormwater infrastructure was built.

Browse the vacant lots in your neighborhood with the potential to manage stormwater

Frequently Asked Questions

This project will focus on just City-owned vacant lots to start. Future phases of the work may include vacant lots under other ownership.

Greened vacant lot sites will be maintained by the City and Pittsburgh Water, with opportunities for community stewardship.

With changes to landscaping, the addition of underground water storage, and improvements to curbs, vacant lots can slow and capture stormwater runoff from their neighborhood. This reduces the amount of water traveling through the streets and sewers during a rainstorm and protects against combined sewer overflows, localized flooding, and basement backups.