MoveForwardPGH is a DOMI initiative to implement its Bike(+) Plan from 2020 to 2021. This page is closed and no longer being updated or accepting feedback.

When everyone has a place on the roadway, it makes it easier for everyone to get around.

MoveForwardPGH is an initiative of the Department of Mobility & Infrastructure to rapidly implement its new Bike(+) Plan and create lower stress streets for all users. Working with its local nonprofit partners, BikePGH and Healthy Ride, the City will engage the community throughout the process of installing new and improved bike-friendly connections throughout Pittsburgh.

The idea is to design streets that doesn’t leave bike riders, motorists or pedestrians to navigate incomplete connections that force everyone into unsafe and confusing situations. Bike lanes and traffic calming make it easier for everybody, including drivers and pedestrians, to get around.

Be sure to check out the the complete list of projects and the marketing campaign at for the latest updates and sign up to get involved.

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Cassandra Leopold


Ricardo Solis

Outreach Coordinator Consultant

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12 March, 2022

snharan says:

This is a great project that needs to be greatly expanded throughout the entirety of the city!

14 February, 2022

lyons08 says:

Forget the bike lanes. We obviously need roads and bridges repaired, clean water, affordable housing etc

22 May, 2021

lewinkler says:

The majority of Pittsburghers depend on driving to get around. What changes are you implementing to improve mobility for drivers?

17 March, 2021

Rebecca Miller says:

I would like to see all of the laws that apply to vehicles that use the roads, apply to bikers that use the roads, even if in a bike lane.