Current Proposed

The 16th Street/David McCullough Bridge traverses the Allegheny River between grocery stores and shops in the Strip District to residential areas near Progress Street on the Northside. While a popular connection between the Penn Ave Bike Lanes and the Northside Trail, people riding bikes across it must contend with either fast moving traffic on the roadway or pedestrians on 8-foot sidewalks not built for both modes.

Due to narrow travel lanes and adjacent guardrail, it is difficult for motorists to pass a vehicle traveling in the same direction on the bridge; many motorists choose to drive in a staggered fashion to provide more distance between vehicles. Larger trucks also commonly extend into the adjacent lane. Due to these current practices, the bridge effectively operates as one lane in each direction along its length. Additionally, there have been 30 crashes in the last 5 years according to PennDOT data. Nearly 50 percent of crashes were a result of angle or sideswipe collisions.

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Ricardo Solis

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