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The Negley Run Blvd bike lanes will be upgraded to the standard of All Ages and Abilities to help better protect people on bikes, while keeping the vehicular travel lanes essentially the same as it is today. A physically protected two-way cycle track on the outbound travel lane (toward Washington Blvd) will be added. These upgrades keep people on bikes safe and separated from high speed motor vehicle traffic. The proposed cycle track would directly link to the under construction Washington Blvd Trail and provide safer connectivity from the East Liberty Blvd bike lanes to Highland Park and the Bud Harris Cycling Track via the Washington Blvd Trail.

Parking will not be impacted on Negley Run Blvd with the installation of these upgrades.

 Image shows a cross section of the proposed Negley Run Blvd. From left (outbound) to right (inbound) you will find a sidewalk, a two-way protected bike lane, a motor-vehicle lane, a median, two motor-vehicle lanes.

The Negley Run Blvd bike lanes were originally installed in 2014. However a lack of bike lane protection still leaves people on bikes exposed to dangerous, high-speed motor vehicle traffic. There have been 43 crashes on this route in the past 5 years, according to PennDOT, several of which have been attributed to aggressive driving and included a bicyclist.

See the project website for full details and an FAQ.

Coming soon: Public engagement plan document for project.

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