The Project

Squirrel Hill East-West Connection, Schenley Park to Shady Ave, was formerly known as the Beacon St project. Due to resident feedback, DOMI has decided to explore the feasibility of using other streets in addition to Beacon, in order to make this needed connection.

The project is part of the overall Shadyside-Squirrel Hill network of projects, and seeks to add east-west bike facilities between Shady Ave and Schenley Park. The improvements have been identified in the City’s 2020 Bike(+) Plan.

The project will improve the overall connectivity and clarity in the Squirrel Hill bicycle network, and make it easier for people riding bikes, driving, or walking to navigate the streets and around each other. There are a significant number of crashes and speeding in this corridor that the project aims to mitigate and improve for all users.

Additionally, the route will improve access to destinations such as Giant Eagle, Murray Ave business district, Taylor Allderdice High School, and ultimately the Beechwood Blvd bike lanes.

Through key improvements, based on engineering best practices and community feedback, DOMI hopes to achieve safer, more comfortable streets for all users.