Project Overview

The Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) is planning and designing a quick-build traffic calming project on S 18th St as part of its 2025 suite of Vision Zero implementation projects. The City will identify and implement targeted safety improvements on S 18th St between E Carson St and Monastery Ave to alleviate the safety issues that put this section of S 18th St on the High Injury Network (HIN).

Project Goals

S 18th St sees a particularly high rate of angle, head-on, and sideswipe crashes, which have caused 37 injuries and one fatality in the period from 2019-2023. This project will improve safety for residents and visitors of S 18th St by implementing traffic calming designs which have been proven to reduce crash severity. Additionally, this project aims to improve access to bus stops and create the bike connection into South Hills neighborhoods called for in DOMI's Bike(+) Plan.

Community Walkthrough

On Monday 3/3/25 the project team held a walkthrough of the corridor with representatives from stakeholder groups. In attendance were representatives from South Side Smart Streets, the South Side Slopes Association, Pittsburgh Regional Transit, and City Council District 3, as well as staff from DOMI, the Office of the Mayor, and the Department of City Planning. Representatives from Hilltop Alliance, South Side Community Council, and South Side Community Action Network were also invited to participate.

What We Heard

On the walkthrough, we discussed issues including:

  • speeding,
  • pedestrian crossing safety,
  • accessibility challenges posed by sidewalk parking,
  • poor signage for upcoming curves and pedestrian crossings, and
  • confusing intersection geometries with poor sightlines.

Photos from 3/3/25 Community Walkthrough