Design Development and Permitting

We are excited to announce that the 'Community Grove' project is moving into the next phase of development!
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy has hired Environmental Planning and Design (EPD), an award-winning landscape architecture and planning firm, to develop the preferred plan into construction and permitting documents. This is an important next step in the project process, moving the preferred plan that was developed in partnership with the community closer to construction.
Next Steps
EPD and their design team will begin to develop more detailed plans and engineering drawings over the next few months. We will then host a Development Activities Meeting and present the refined plans to the community for additional input.
Please check back for updates on future meeting dates and additional project information!
Planning and Design
The McKinley Park Community Grove planning process is complete!
Over the past year, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy worked with community leaders and residents to develop a preferred plan for the 'Community Grove'. This planning effort was a comprehensive study of the elements that affect the usability of the project area and determined how this space can thrive and respond to community goals and needs. The proposed improvements identified in this plan are in direct response to the feedback provided by community members and stakeholders through an intimate engagement process.
We want to thank all of the community members who participated in this process and shared their thoughts and ideas for the future of McKinley Park Community Grove!
Preferred Plan Design
After sharing concept designs with the community for the 'community grove', PPC developed a preferred plan design, which combined the design elements community members liked the most into a single plan.
The preferred plan creates a modest lawn area and gathering space, provides a small shelter space with seating, expands and enhances ecological restoration areas, improves trail connections, and refurbishes the existing backstop, preserving a piece of community history and providing an opportunity for art or signage to tell community stories.
You can review the preferred plan, as well as a recording of the community presentation below.
Preferred Concept Plan Presentation Materials
Preferred Concept Plan Presentation Recording
Concept Designs
During the summer of 2024, PPC developed design concepts that responded directly to the community feedback we collected earlier in the year. The plans explored different options and strategies to meet community needs and goals. PPC presented the plans to the community for input and feedback.
Click on the images below to zoom in and explore the concept plans.
Analysis and Engagement
During the spring of 2024, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy conducted a survey asking community members what thoughts or ideas they had for the project. Over 70 people responded to the survey and provided their input. 90% of the survey respondents are active users of McKinley Park, with almost half indicating they use McKinley Park at least weekly.
Below are the survey results, which were used to inform the concept designs.
About this Project
About this Project
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, in partnership with the City of Pittsburgh, community organizations, and other key stakeholders will revitalize a key community asset in McKinley Park. Once the site of a community baseball field built by neighborhood residents, the space evokes a strong sense of pride and nostalgia for residents and park users, and has the potential to serve as a vibrant community space. The 'community grove' will aim to achieve the following goals:
- Provide a space for community programs, events, youth activation and advance goals identified by community organizations and park users.
- Balance original master plan recommendations while responding to recent site changes and current community needs.
- Address drainage issues, connections to other park spaces, and other challenges.
- Protect and enhance ongoing ecological restoration efforts.
- Create a space that is constructible, durable, and easily maintained.
As one of the largest and oldest City community parks, community participation is critical, and we need your feedback to develop the best outcome possible for the 'community grove'.
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