
Starting July 2024, the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) and Pittsburgh Parking Authority (PPA) implemented automated enforcement of selected bike lanes and no-parking areas.

Vehicles parked in bike lanes and no-parking areas, particularly when they block visibility at intersections and crosswalks, present a major safety hazard because they block visibility of intersections, crosswalks, and other obstacles.

Additionally, due to the short duration of some of these parking events, it’s impractical for an enforcement officer to catch these violations in real time.

As part of the City of Pittsburgh’s commitment to Vision Zero, we are implementing this program to better enforce keeping our bike lanes and no-parking zones clear.

Violations for parking bike lanes and no-parking zones anywhere in the City are subject to a $60 fine (§ 541.02). Parking in bike lanes and other signed no-parking areas is prohibited anywhere in the City and can be enforced by a parking enforcement officer at any time.

DOMI and PPA are working with Automotus to install the license plate reader technology, following a previous collaboration with Automotus to implement Smart Loading Zones.

This page only contains information about this program and does not apply to other vehicle-mounted automated enforcement conducted by PPA.

Enforcement Map


Frequently Asked Questions

Automated enforcement is a tool used to supplement traditional enforcement by a Parking Enforcement Officer. This technology allows greater flexibility in hours of enforcement – particularly overnight when staffing is limited – and captures short but dangerous parking infractions that otherwise may be difficult for officers to respond to in a timely manner.

Use of automated technology does not and will not replace in-person enforcement by PPA officers.

Parking in bike lanes and no-parking areas, particularly those that block visibility at intersections and crosswalks, presents a major safety hazard. Additionally, due to the short duration of some of these parking events, it’s impractical for an enforcement officer to catch these violations in real-time.

No-parking areas selected for automated enforcement were chosen using existing citation data from Pittsburgh Parking Authority. Areas adjacent to existing automated enforcement cameras, such as those for the smart loading zones, were also selected.

Bike lanes were selected using reports submitted through 311, as well crash history using DOMI’s High Injury Network.

DOMI is testing stationary automated curb enforcement at these locations through the end of 2024. At the end of this trial period, DOMI and PPA will evaluate how this program has improved safety and compliance with parking regulations and consider any program expansions.

Violations may be up to $60.

Citizens will have 30 days from the mailing date for initial ticket notification to pay ticket at the original fine. By day 31 after the ticket notification has been mailed, a first late fee of $23 will be added. Day 41 after the ticket notification has been mailed, a second late fee of $15 will be added.


By Phone: 866-353-7151

By Mail: PO Box 640 Pittsburgh PA 15230

In person: Pittsburgh Parking Court 240 4th Ave. Pittsburgh PA 15222

Contact Parking Court by phone at 412-560-7222 for an in-person hearing.

Contest with an online hearing at

nlike a surveillance system or traditional camera recording system, Automotus’s technology only captures specific types of data.

License plate information is the only form of personally identifiable information that Automotus collects and it never captures or shares this information for any purpose other than to facilitate automated payment.

For more information, you can review Automotus’s full policy on its website:

See the Privacy & Security tab for more information.

Program Findings & Statistics

As of 2/28/2025, this program has resulted in the issuance of over 500 citations for illegal parking in bike lanes and 100 citations for illegal parking in no-parking areas.

Additionally, we have found that:

  • 85% of vehicles parked in bike lanes are passenger vehicles.
  • In many locations, passenger vehicles are most likely to obstruct a bike lane during lunch hour and evening rush hour, demonstrating the need for more pick-up/drop-off loading zones.
  • Most illegal parking events occur for under 5 minutes, demonstrating the need for automated enforcement to address gaps in the ability of parking enforcement officers to quickly respond to reports of vehicles obstructing bike lanes.
  • Some locations see high rates of freight and commercial delivery vehicles blocking bike lanes, demonstrating the need for a targeted approach to provide larger loading zones to accommodate these vehicles.
  • Automated enforcement has not had a clear effect on reducing instances of illegal parking. However, this is expected given the limited duration of the program so far.

Using this information, DOMI is implementing the following changes:

  • Addition of several loading and smart loading zones near select bike lanes.
  • Expansion of automated enforcement of bike-lanes to new areas with high pedestrian and pick-up/drop-off activity.