Update: January 2024
As of January 12, 2024 the City of Pittsburgh has paused this project and is no longer pursuing it at this time.
Project Background
The City of Pittsburgh's Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) and Council District 1 have heard concerns about the number of large delivery trucks utilizing Galveston Avenue to access industrial businesses in the northern end of the Allegheny West neighborhood. The large vehicles have caused various issues including damage to sidewalks, street signs, and property including vehicles. Trucks are often sighted as stuck on the narrow local roadway which causes safety issues for drivers and pedestrians. DOMI had previously installed signage prohibiting truck traffic in an attempt to mitigate issues however that hasn't reduced this issue as GPS routing can circumvent it. The City nor DOMI has no control over GPS routing from service providers.
With support from more than 70 percent of local residents (via petition), DOMI would like to implement an engineering control measure to prevent truck drivers from utilizing Galveston Avenue as a cut-through.
Project Description
DOMI is proposing converting one block of Galveston Avenue between N Lincoln Ave and Western Avenue from two-way traffic to one-way traffic. Galveston would be one-way southbound from Western to N Lincoln Avenue.
Starting December 12th a 30-day comment period will be begin. If there are any comments, please contract Council District 1 at district1@pittsburghpa.gov or call us at (412) 255-2135. After 30-days has lapsed, signage will be installed to make Galveston Ave one-way conversion effective and operational.