Traffic calming will improve this connection, identified on DOMI’s Bike+ Plan, between the three Rivers Heritage Trail on the North Side to Riverview Park along McClure Avenue and Woods Run Avenue. The project will include speed tables, improved pedestrian crossings, shared-lane pavement markings (sharrows), wayfinding signage and other quick-build safety improvements along the corridor, including a street mural in front of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Woods Run.
The only bike lane included on this project scope is an extension of the one-way bike climbing lane, currently starting at the intersection of Mairdale Avenue and Oakdale Street. The extension will only affect the East curb in the uphill direction on Woods Run Avenue for 0.3 miles to the curve in the road, but will aid cyclists climbing the hill into Riverview Park.
DOMI’s traffic data collection and crash reports demonstrate a need for traffic calming along both McClure Avenue and Woods Run Avenue. There have been 42 reported crashes and two pedestrian crashes in the last five years, indicating a need for safety improvements.
Data collection on the corridor showed an 85th percentile speeds over 40 mph on Woods Run Avenue with a minimum of 60% of all drivers speeding throughout the corridor. This data informed the proposed design, which will feature speed tables (similar to speed humps except thicker and easier for emergency responders and large vehicles to maneuver over), as well as pedestrian crossing improvements including bump outs or pedestrian refuge islands.
Phase 1 Construction Press Release 8/31/2023
View the press release here.
Street Mural Design - Unveiling
The new mural will be revealed during the Wood's Run library's 60th anniversary celebration on Saturday, July 13th from 12-3pm!
Details about the event can be found on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1601120747124298/
Project Location

Project extents highlighted in light blue.
Proposed Project Design
Corridor Crash History 2018-2022

Reported crashes 2018-2022 visualized by a car, bike, or pedestrian symbol. The severity of the crash is colored coded from low(green) to high(orange).
Examples of Safety Improvements

Example of a pedestrian refuge island on the Ellsworth Neighborway in Shadyside. This treatment slows motor vehicles through the crossing and shortens the crossing distance for the pedestrian.

Speed tables and shoulder lane lines will calm traffic and clarify parking. This example photo is also from the Ellsworth Neighborway.