Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a policy of encouraging dense housing and amenities within walking distance of frequent and high-quality transit.

As of 2022, Pittsburgh does not offer a TOD zoning district and multi-unit residential buildings are only permitted on 37% of land area located within a half-mile of a transit station. Upzoning parcels around fixed guideway stations would support TOD and encouragethe creation of high-density, walkable, pedestrian-oriented mixed-use development, including multi-unit residential, around transit stations.

Some city partners, like Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT), have shared research and findings about the potential opportunities for TOD. In 2016, PRT published its own Transit-Oriented Development Guidelines, and in 2021 finished a Five-Year Evaluation of TOD in Allegheny Countyive-Year Evaluation of TOD in Allegheny County.

What's Next for TOD?

The Department of City Planning will be initially targeting rezoning around the following transit stations at: Herron Station, South Hills Junction, and Sheraden Station.

Herron Ave

South Hills Junction
