Apple Street between Lincoln Avenue and Upland Street is part of the City's High Injury Network. Though this corridor is only 0.3 miles long and residential in nature, it has seen 19 reported crashes over a 5-year period between 2019-2023. This included 2 fatal, 2 serious injury, & 9 minor or possible injury. In total 68% of the reported crashes resulted in injury or fatality on this stretch of road.
Project Area
Existing Conditions
Traffic Data Collection

Traffic Summary
Classification: Local
Speed Limit: 25 mph
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 245 VPD (Vehicles per day)
85th % speed: 33 mph
Overall % speeding: 75%
Planned Improvements
- A series of four (4) speed humps throughout corridor
- Upgraded curve warning signage
Construction Timeline
Construction for this project has now been moved to Spring 2025. A press release will be issued in advance once it is scheduled.