Project Update - March 2025
Based on community feedback the City will be making a modification to the street design at the intersection of Ronald and Greenfield Ave.
Drivers shared concerns about having adequate space to navigate the new turning movement. In order to provide additional space, one flexpost will be moved close to the curb line. In order to maintain slow speeds through the corner, DOMI will be adding two speed wedges into the painted bumpout.
Adjustment details are available here:
These updates are expected to be installed in early April 2025.
Project Design
The City has finalized designs for the Greenfield Ave. Corridor and will be moving forward with construction in late June, 2024.
The plans can be viewed below.
Project Area
Traffic Data Collection
Traffic Summary
Pre-Construction Data
Roadway Classification: Collector
Posted Speed Limit: 25 mph
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 5,660 vehicles per day (two-way traffic)
85th percentile Speed: 30 mph
Overall % Speeding: 50%
Post-Construction Data
Greenfield Ave btw Kaercher St and Lydia
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 5,343 vehicles per day
Median: 20 mph
85th%: 24 mph
% Speeding: 9%
Max: 50 mph
Greenfield Ave btw Winterburn Ave and
McCaslin St
Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 5,869 vehicles per day
Median: 25 mph
85th%: 28 mph
% Speeding: 40%
Max: 50 mph
Planned Improvements
Speed tables and/or raised crosswalks will be installed at targeted locations for spot speed control improvements to enhance safety for both traffic and pedestrians. More detailed information on scope will be forthcoming as it becomes available.
Construction Timeline
Construction was completed Thursday August 27th.