The intersection of Negley Avenue and Centre Avenue serves as a major crossroad for the neighborhoods of Shadyside, Friendship, and East Liberty, with a large volume of pedestrians crossings at the nearby transit hubs and grocery stores. The current signal phasing allows for an 'all walk' or Barnes Dance pedestrian crossing. This phase stops ALL vehicular movement and allows pedestrians to cross the intersection freely in any direction needed, including diagonally.
As identified in the East Liberty Priority Corridors Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Plan, this intersection's all walk phase is in need of clarification.
Planned Improvements
Proposed improvements include clarifying signage at pedestrian push button locations as well as installing new pavement markings. Please see below diagram for more information.
The goal is to improve compliance and understanding of this signal phasing. This is considered a pilot project and DOMI will evaluate it effectiveness post-construction.

Construction Timeline
Construction was completed.