Project Area

Mapped project area

Existing Conditions


Traffic Data Collection

Traffic Data Collection

Traffic Summary

  • Classification: Local
  • Speed Limit: 25 mph
  • Average Daily Traffic (ADT): 1,884 VPD (Vehicles per day) one-way
  • 85th % speed: 31 mph
  • Overall % speeding: 55%

Planned Improvements

  • Two (2) speed humps
  • Pedestrian improvements at Parkview and Swinburne including marked crosswalks, stop bars, and painted curb extensions for intersection daylighting

Construction Timeline

Due to recent weather conditions, our construction schedule has been impacted and this project is now scheduled to start August 12th. Work is expected to last two (2) days, weather permitting.

There will be intermittent closures of Parkview Ave between Blvd of Allies and Swinburne during speed hump construction for one (1) day, Monday, August 12th. Through traffic will be encouraged to seek an alternative route however flaggers will be stationed to allow local traffic passage. Small travel delays are likely and should be anticipated.

Pavement markings on the speed hump will be placed a day or two after actual construction. Signage, however, will be installed in advance of construction.