South Braddock Avenue, which traverses the Regent Square neighborhood, serves as pedestrian access points to Frick Park and the Environmental Charter School. Two pedestrian crossings along this road are targeted for safety improvements: South Braddock Avenue at Biddle Avenue and South Braddock Avenue at Henrietta Street, with goal of improving yield compliance from drivers and safety for pedestrians. Both locations are high pedestrian generators between Frick Park, adjacent schools, and bus stops for both Pittsburgh Regional Transit and school students.
Please note an additional intersection in this area, South Braddock Avenue and Guthrie Street will be improved through a related signal project at Forbes Ave and South Braddock Avenue. Please see here for more information: https://engage.pittsburghpa.gov/traffic-signal-projects/forbes-and-braddock-traffic-signal-replacement
Project Area
Planned Improvements
At both locations identified above the following improvements are being made:
- Pedestrian refuge islands using pavement markings and flexposts. Upgraded pedestrian warning signage as appropriate. Below is an example of a quick-build pedestrian refuge island installed on the Ellsworth Neighborway.

Construction Timeline
Construction for this project has now been moved to Spring 2025. A press release will be issued in advance once it is scheduled.