Project Description

DOMI has developed a Pittsburgh High Injury Network (HIN) to identify areas where safety concerns are most prevalent and safety improvements will deliver the best results. Bennett Street was included as a HIN Corridor that is a good candidate for a “Traffic Safety Corridor” project. See below for the types of low cost, highly effective countermeasures included in a Traffic Safety Corridor project:

    • Updated signal timing coordination to reduce motorist speeds
    • Shorter traffic signal cycle lengths to reduce side street delay and minimize unsafe driver maneuvers
    • Pedestrian Recall for side streets off Bennett to improve pedestrian service, reduce side street delay, and decrease speeding along Bennett Street.
    • Implementing Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs) to all crossings. This treatment has shown to reduce pedestrian/vehicle crashes by 10-20%.
    • Adding 'No Turn on Red' signs to all approaches. Signalized intersections which permit turns on red have shown to increase the likelihood of a pedestrian/vehicle crash by 60%.

Project Area

Mapped project area