The intersection of Browns Hill, Beechwood and Hazelwood serves a major crossroads for the neighborhoods of Squirrel Hill South, Greenfield, Hazelwood and neighboring Boroughs. Current lane assignments on the Browns Hill approach are confusing for drivers and further clarification is needed.
Planned Improvements
The proposed improvements including making the northbound right lane of Browns Hill Road be right turn only 24/7 as opposed to the current time of today exceptions allowed in the morning hours of 6:00 AM - 9:00 AM. During the morning hours, drivers reach the intersection and have to merge through the intersection rather than in advance which caused yielding issues, crashes/close calls as well as queuing issues. This revision will allow for consistency in driver behaviour and expectations which will reduce the risk of crashes or close calls.
Signage at the intersection and in advance on the overhead mast arm will be revised to reflect this change. Additional pavement markings and flexposts will be installed to reinforce the right turn only lane as well.

Dedicated, left, through, and right hand turn lanes from Browns Hill Road to Beechwood Blvd and Hazelwood ave.