Planned Improvements

The project constitutes traffic control changes to the California Avenue at Antrim Street intersection which would remove the existing traffic signal and replace with a raised crosswalk. It has long been assumed that traffic signals provide the best results for multi-modal traffic flow at an intersection, however, the improper use of a signal can negatively impact the intersection for all users. Drawbacks include:

  • Excessive delay to all users
  • Increased noncompliance with the signal (running red lights, etc.)
  • Increased collisions

The assumption that traffic signals are the most effective form of traffic control has led to many signals being installed at locations where they are not warranted. Their presence may have adversely affected the safety and efficiency of vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic.

Project Description

A traffic control study was completed at the intersection of California and Antrim to determine if the traffic signal is still warranted. DOMI referred to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which provides guidance to traffic engineers nationwide about such decisions. After analyzing the vehicular and pedestrian volumes and crash history, it has been recommended that the signal control at the intersection be removed and replaced permanently with all-way stop control. Due to the nature of California Ave, the pedestrian crossing for PRT's Route 13 bus, and the adjacent church the Department plans on installing a raised crosswalk and intersection daylighting to improve the pedestrian crossing at this location.

The planned is sequence of work is as follows:

  • Install raised crosswalk in Fall 2024 as weather permits
  • Traffic signal will flash red for 30 days to introduce the all-way stop control right after construction of the raised crosswalk
  • After 30 days of flash, the traffic signal will removed and permanent stop signs installed
mapped location