July 2024 Update
The City will be celebrating the completion of the Chestnut Street rehabilitation with a ribbon cutting on Tuesday, July 16th at 5pm. The ceremony will be held at the intersection of Chestnut and Tripoli streets. More information can be found on Facebook here.
Phase 2 Detour Plan

Community Meeting Held April 13th
On Thursday, April 13, 2023, the City of Pittsburgh held an in-person community meeting to discuss proposed improvements to Chestnut Street, including:
- Sidewalks
- Curbs
- Brick street reconstruction
- Project timeline
See the Document Library at right for the meeting flyer and the presentation slides. A link to the meeting recording is below. More information will be posted on this site as the project advances.
About the Project
Chestnut Street is a high-volume historic street in the East Allegheny Neighborhood, and is a critical connection between Downtown, Troy Hill, and Spring Hill-City View.
Update - Historic Trolley Tracks
Taking into account the community concern regarding the historical importance of the Chestnut Street trolley tracks, CD1 and DOMI are investigating partnering with Industrial Arts Workshop (IAW) to figure out how to give the tracks new life in an educational and community-oriented capacity, including exploring the option of a public art installation.
This process is in its early stages and will involve more community input as it develops. More information about IAW's art and mission can be found here.
Years of heavy traffic on Chestnut Street have caused brick and base deterioration. Broken and uneven bricks result in bumps and potholes, revealing the rails in the street. Ponding is caused by drainage and temporary repair issues at the low point of the street.
DOMI plans to undertake rehabilitation of the brick surface of the street, reconstructed in new brick pavers. The project will also include sidewalk and curb construction, and other work. It is anticipated that this work will be done in phases, with the first phase extending from Spring Garden Avenue to Tripoli Street. Depending on funding, the remainder of the street will likely be done in either one large second phase or split into two smaller phases.
Scope of Work