The traffic calming elements for the project include speed cushions and ‘SLOW curve’ warnings with transverse pavement markings. Speed cushions operate like speed humps but have been designed in partnership with the Department of Public Safety to better accommodate emergency vehicles responding to calls for service. See speed cushion tab for more detail.
The bicycle climbing lanes will include buffered bike lanes in the uphill direction on the extents as shown on the above/below map. These uphill sections place slower moving bicyclists (or other micromobility devices including scooters) in a vulnerable position compared to faster moving motorized vehicles. The climbing lanes provide dedicated space so they are separated from the travel lane.
Lastly, the pedestrian improvements emphasize safe crossings for many of the transit riders and pedestrians who walk or take transit on this primarily residential corridor.
Public Meeting Information
The first phase of construction, which includes four (4) speed cushions, will begin next week on Tuesday, October 11th. Depending on the weather, construction is expected to last two days. The additional improvements will follow later in October. This page will be updated once the work is scheduled.
Stanton Ave. Safe Connections Community Update (9/26/22)
Project Map
What is a Speed Cushion?
Why Stanton Avenue as a bike connection?
This project was identified in the City's Bike+ Plan as a major connection route between neighborhoods in the area.
Why does Stanton Avenue need traffic calming?
Speed and volume data collected in 2019 showed the 85th percentile to be 35 mph with 76% of motorist traveling over the posted speed limit of 25 mph. This data combined with a crash history demonstrated a need for traffic calming.
How will this project effect buses?
The project is not expected to affect bus operations. Pittsburgh Regional Transit operates transit services on over a dozen streets with bike lanes and/or traffic calming, and are being coordinated with on this project. Pedestrian improvements will help transit riders access their stops.
Will street parking be affected?
Yes – street parking will be consolidated to one side of the street at the locations of the bicycle climbing lane. Parking analysis has determined that all parking can fit on one side. Parking near Butler St on Stanton Ave will not be affected.
If this is Phase 1, what is Phase 2?
DOMI is planning Phase 2 of the Stanton Avenue Complete Street project. Phase 2 will focus on the segment Stanton Avenue between Chislett St and Meadow St.