Rhine and Mathias Sidewalks
Sidewalk Gap Remediation
Rhine St and Mathias St are central connections in the neighborhood of Spring Hill-City View. Bus stops and the community at III Rivers Manor generate pedestrian traffic along the street. Sidewalks are being placed at locations where pedestrians have been required to walk in the street to access public transportation. PRT will be consolidating bus stops along Rhine in response to this construction.
Final Condition
Final Condition
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Rhine Street
Parking area converted to sidewalk to allow for side street parking on Rhine St.

Mathias Sidewalk
Sidewalk constructed on Mathias from Bun Ln to South Side Ave.

Retaining Wall
Retaining wall constructed to allow for a full 5' width sidewalk.

South Side Ave
Sidewalk on South Side Ave rehabilitated from Mathias Street to Hespen St. Tree pits were included in the project scope.

Hespen Connection
Sidewalk and tree pits placed on Hespen to complete connection to the sidewalk on Romanhoff St.

South Side Ave Sidewalk
Deteriorated sidewalk and curb replaced on South Side Ave West of the intersection with Mathias St.
Construction Photos
Construction Photos
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Mathias Sidewalk
6 foot wide sidewalk extending the length of Mathias Street from Rhine Street to South Side Ave.

Full Height Curb
A full height curb was provided to prevent parking on a sidewalk next to side-street parking.

Retaining Walls
Walls will be constructed to protect the sidewalk and pedestrians.

Sidewalk Improvement
Existing sidewalk on South Side Ave between Mathias and Hespon will be replaced with new sidewalk and tree pits.

Hespon Connection
Sidewalk on Hespon will be replaced to complete connection to Spring Hill Playground.

Southside Sidewalk
Southside Ave sidewalk continued on West Side to replace deteriorated sidewalk.
Previous Condition
Previous Condition
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Rhine Street Bus Stops
Crosswalks crossing Rhine Street will be rehabilitated.

Bus Stop Location and Sidewalk
Existing sidewalk will be rehabilitated and extended to and through the existing side-street parking "area" to Bun Ln and Mathias St intersection.

Brush Removed
Brush will be removed and a sidewalk placed.

Mathias, Rhine, and Bun Ln
Bus stops at Bun Ln will be removed. Bus stop locations are consolidated near the intersection of Rhine St and the III Rivers Manor parking lot entrance.

Mathias Sidewalk
A sidewalk will be constructed on the East side of Mathias Street, extending down to South Side Ave.

Curb Cuts
Sidewalk and depressed curb will be built to accommodate existing curb cuts.

Matthias and S Side Ave
Sidewalk will extend to S Side Ave.

Ramps at S Side Ave
Ramps will be rehabilitated/constructed crossing Mathias at S Side Ave intersection.

S Side Ave
Sidewalk will be continued down S Side Ave to connect to existing sidewalk.