Public Engagement

Do you have any feedback for your Public Engagement Period for your Greater Hill District Master Plan?

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Full Draft of the GHDMP Document

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The plan begins with a few statements from officials and co-chairs. It then provides an overview of the Hill District, the boundaries, process, engagement and milestones.

Are we missing any crucial information to set the tone of your Greater Hill District Master Plan?

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The Community Chapter focuses on the Hill District’s existing demographics, housing affordability, education, cultural legacy and preservation, well-being, public health, and public art.

Vision Statement

The Hill District is committed to cultivating a neighborhood that excels in livability, celebrates and preserves its rich historical heritage, and promotes the health and resilience of all residents. To grow as a livable vibrant community with flourishing businesses and infrastructure utilized by empathetic, engaged, and healthy residents and visitors, the Hill District must develop strong, interconnected, and cooperative physical and social components.

What are your thoughts on the draft Community Chapter narrative and community highlights?

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What are your thoughts on the draft Community Chapter Implementation framework?

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What are your thoughts on the draft Development Chapter Implementation framework?

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Are we missing any critical items in this chapter?

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The Mobility chapter delineates the goals, policies, and implementation strategies aimed at making it easier, safer, and more enjoyable to move around the Hill District and Greater Pittsburgh. The goals outlined in this chapter aim to address the challenges and stressors that the community have identified and strive to improve the transit experience, enhance pedestrian and bicycle circulation, improve accessibility, and manage parking demand.

What are your thoughts on the draft Mobility Chapter narrative?

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What are your thoughts on the draft Mobility Chapter Implementation framework?

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Are we missing any critical items in this chapter?

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What are your thoughts on the draft Infrastructure Chapter Implementation framework?

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What are your thoughts on the draft Greater Hill District Master Plan?

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Draft Materials




1. Advance existing and create new relationships to move the Hill District

Time-frame: Ongoing

Implementer(s): RCOs and CBOs

2. Representative governance and leadership: Civic mindedness is built through an increase in overall resident engagement at all levels of community organizing, and residents see themselves represented in the makeup of community leaders and elected officials.

Time-frame: Ongoing

3. Ensure Hill District residents can have all of their basic needs met within a 15 minute walk of their home.

Time-frame: Ongoing

4. Expand the Inclusionary Zoning Overlay to the Hill District

Timeframe: Ongoing

Implementer: COP (DCP)


1. Establish funded positions for residents of the Greater Hill District that all communities to ensure that resident needs are integrated into decision-making processes.

Timeline: 1-2 Years, Ongoing

Funding: Community Reinvestment Fund, institutions, foundations

Implementer(s): DCP, OCHS, Hill CDC,* Hill Consensus Group*

2. Increase capacity at community organizations; i.e. non-profits and institutions assisting residents access resources

Timeline: 1-2 Years, Ongoing

3. Help residents learn the skills needed to be employed in growing, well-paid occupations in Pittsburgh

:Collaborate with local institutions and organizations to help residents learn the skills needed to be employed in growing, well-paid occupations in Pittsburgh.

Timeline: 1-2 Years, Ongoing

4. Support existing youth opportunities and ambassador programs

Timeline: Ongoing

5. Support and coordinate job placement resources for Hill District Residents

Timeline: Ongoing

Funding: foundations, non-profits

Implementer(s): Hill CDC, Neighborhood Resilince Project, Center that CARES, Pitt CEC, Career Link Pittsburgh

6. Create, expand and collaborate with institutions and organizations to resources, mentourship and capacity for entrepreneurs, small businesses, and residents seeking self-employment

Timeline: Short (1-2 years), Ongoing

Funding: foundations, non-profits

Implementer(s): University of Pittsburgh/Pitt CEC, Chatham Center for Women's Entrepreneurship, Carnegie Mellon University, Duquesne University, Carlow University, City of Pittsburgh, Hill CDC, Hill District Consensus Group, Hill District Collaborative, Hill Federal Credit Union, PA CareerLink

7. Support existing programs for mentorship and capacity-building for Black developers.

Timeline: Short (1-2 years), Ongoing

Funding: foundations, non-profits

Implementer(s):Hill CDC, Neighborhood Allies, African American Chamber of Commerce-Pittsburgh, URA, Black Tech Nation

8. Expand the home maintenance assistance programs

Timeline: Short (1-2 years), Ongoing

Funding: Rebuilding Together PGH, URA

Implementer(s): RCOs and CBOs URA, Hosanna Industries, Habitat for Humanity, Action Housing, Rebuilding Together

9. Expand and support investment and financial literacy education for homeowners.

Timeline: Short (1-2 years), Ongoing

Funding: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, NeighborWorks of Western PA, FHLBank Pittsburgh

Implementer(s):Hill District Federal Credit Union

10. Enable the community to capitalize on the opportunity and potential in abandoned and vacant properties by expanding upon the a Vacant Property Recovery ProgramDetail:Partner with the Pittsburgh Land Bank, City of Bridges Land Trust and any other banking/trust organizations.

Timeline: Ongoing

Funding: Pittsburgh Land Bank, Allegheny Count, URA, City of Pittsburgh, foundations

Implementer(s):Pittsburgh Land Bank, Allegheny Count, URA, City of Pittsburgh, Hill CDC

11. Expand landlord engagement, and inform and education of landlords tenants and the community of rights and responsibilities.

Timeline: Short (1-2 Years), Ongoing

12. Collaborate with the Housing Authority and tenant councils to address resident concerns

Timeline: Short (1-2 Years), Ongoing

Implementer(s): Housing Authority of City of Pittsburgh, Tenant Councils, RCOs, City of Pittsburgh

13. Support and coordinate financial literacy for Hill District residents of all ages. Prioritization of primary education intergration and institution partnerships; i.e. financial planning, savings and etc.

Timeline: Short (1-2 Years), Ongoing

Funding: Neighborhood Allies, Fund My Future PGH, PHFA*

Implementer(s): Hill District Federal Credit Union, Financial Institutions, Financial Empowerment Center


1. Create a Home-ownership Roadshow

Timeline: Short (1-2 years), Ongoing

Funding: Financial Institutions, Non-profits

Implementer(s):RCOs and CBOs URA, City of Pittsburgh, Hill District Federal Credit Union

2. Create an anti-displacement strategy that supports existing Hill District residents. Funding sources should also be created, inclusive of grants loans and etc in order to support this work. Prioritization should be given to hard to reach populations, and Bedford Dwellings residents.

Timeline: Mid(3-5 years), Ongoing

Funding: Foundations, URA, City of Pittsburgh, Non-Profits, HACP

Implementer(s):Foundations, URA, City of Pittsburgh, Non-Profits, HACP, URA, Developers

3. Create and implement a Right-of-Return and Right-to-Stay strategy that supports the return of and anti-displacement of multi-generational Hill District Residents.

Timeline: Mid(3-5 years), Ongoing

Funding:Foundations, URA, City of Pittsburgh, Non-Profits, HACP

Implementer(s):Foundations, URA, City of Pittsburgh, Non-Profits, HACP, URA, Developers


1. Collaborate to build a Hill District network of mutual support, advocacy, engagement and information sharing organizations

Timeline: Ongoing

Implementer(s): RCOs, CBOs, City of Pittsburgh, URA, One Hood Media, NAACP, African American Chamber of Commerce, Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition


1. Development projects reuse existing buildings whenever possible including building onto and around structures as part of larger-scale developments, and maintain and incorporate the Hill District's character and cultural fabric.

Timeframe: ongoing


Implementer(s): COP, URA, RCOs


1. Collaborate to remove barriers to housing cooperative.

Timeframe: Short(1-2 years)

Funding:HFSA, URA, City of Pittsburgh

Implementer(s):HFSA, URA, City of Pittsburgh

2. Install Cultural Legacy Loop and Crossroads Public Realm Improvements and Launch Kirpatrick Crossroads pilot

Timeframe: Mid(3-5 years)

Funding: Capital Budget, foundations, PCRG

Implementer(s): DCP, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation, Preservation Pittsburgh, Black Historians, August Wilson Center, PCRG

3. Establish funding opportunities for the Hill District Arts collective to support Existing Artists and Collective communities


Funding: Capital Budget, foundations, PCRG

Implementer(s): DCP, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation, Preservation Pittsburgh, Black Historians, August Wilson Center, PCRG

4. Develop and/or join the Mains Streets Program.

Timeframe: Medium (3-5 years)



5. Launch Hill District Business Program in support of Local and Cultural Businesses.


Funding: foundations, non-profits, PCRG, URA


6. Launch Living Legacy Events, Programs, and Media.


Funding: foundations, PCRG

Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, Hill CDC, Nafasi on Centre, Arts inHD, ACH Clear Pathways, Arts in the Hill District, Nafasi, MOKA Gallery


1. Establish a recognizable graphic identity for the Hill

Timeframe: Short(1-2 years)



2. Create a Hill District History/Cultural legacy center. Goals include preserving the Hill’s legacy, encouraging multi-generational engagement, and bringing visitors to the hill.

Timeframe: Mid (3-5years), ongoing

Funding: URA, August Wilson Center, DCP, District 6, Foundations, RCO and CBOs

Implementer(s): DCP, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation, Preservation Pittsburgh, Black Historians, August Wilson Center, PCRG

3. Identify and mark historic sites in the Hill District.

Timeframe: ongoing

Funding: URA, August Wilson Center, DCP, District 6, Foundations, RCO and CBOs

Implementer(s): DCP, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation, Preservation Pittsburgh, Black Historians, August Wilson Center, PCRG

4. Develop and refine economic inclusion and affordability priorities for the preservation process.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing


Implementer(s):COP, URA, RCos and CBO

5. Create a Hill District Cultural and Historic Preservation plan/guidelines.

Timeframe: Medium (3-5 years)

Funding: Capital Budget, foundations, PCRG

Implementer(s): DCP, Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation, Preservation Pittsburgh, Black Historians, August Wilson Center, PCRG

6. Identify and register historic buildings and sites in the Hill District.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), medium (3-5 years), ongoing


Implementer(s): Preservation Pittsburgh, DCP

7. Complete an Architectural Inventory of Crawford Roberts Neighborhood.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years)

Funding: Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission

Implementer(s): DCP- Historic Perseveration

8. Install Signage, Wayfinding, Art, and Exhibits to Highlight Historic and Cultural Legacy.



Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, Hill CDC, Nafasi on Centre, Arts inHD, ACH Clear Pathways, Arts in the Hill District, Nafasi, MOKA Gallery



1. Cultural Incorporation into public art.



Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, Nafasi on Centre, Arts inHD, ACH Clear Pathways, Arts in the Hill District, Nafasi, MOKA Gallery


1. Development and augmentation of arts programming to provide more opportunities for residents to interact with and learn about art and architecture in the Hill District.



Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, Hill CDC, Nafasi on Centre, Arts inHD, ACH Clear Pathways, Arts in the Hill District, Nafasi, MOKA Gallery

2. Support and formalize existing cultural legacy walking tours in the Hill Distirct and the Cultural Loop.



Implementer(s): Pittsburgh History and Landmarks Foundation & August Wilson Center

3. Utilize art to program and activate public/civic spaces.





1. Create a formal engagement framework for the design, placement and instillation of public art.



Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, Nafasi on Centre, Arts inHD, ACH Clear Pathways, Arts in the Hill District, Nafasi, MOKA Gallery







1. Create and support a program that identifies the needs Hill District's returning citizens.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years)

Funding: Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, Non-profits

Implementer(s): Allegheny County, City of Pittsburgh, Non-profits

2. Support and centralize existing programs that identify needs of Hill District Seniors.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years)



3. Convene quarterly meetings between community and resident organizations and City of Pittsburgh departments to identify issues of wellbeing for Hill District Residents and establish a strategy to address them.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing


Implementer(s): OCHS, City Planning, CBOs


1. Create a public assembly guide and resource guide to reduce community and police conflict.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing












1. Catalogue, advertise, and improve access to after-school programs and create opportunities such as fundraisers to support local organizations and help them grow in capacity.

Timeframe: Medium (3-5 years)




1. Identify inclusive areas within the Hill District that offer access to all residents despite ability.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing



2. Evaluate community Facilities are ADA accessible and develop a list for retrofitting priorities.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing








1. Ensure design is friendly to all ages and supports a universally designed, age-in-place neighborhood. Reinforce this built experience with health and supportive services such as case management support, mental health resources, health programming and education.

Timeframe: Ongoing

Funding: Capital Budget, non-profits, foundations

Implementer(s): DCP, URA, GBA, Rebuilding Together, HACP


1. Coordinate access to existing healthy meal options for residents, students and seniors.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years)


Implementer(s): DCP, E.A.T. Initiative

2. Encourage stores within the hill district to promote healthy food options and become healthy food retailers.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), medium (3-5 years), ongoing


Implementer(s): DCP, E.A.T. Initiative

3. Convene stakeholders to innovate current initiatives to combat food insecurity in the Hill District.



Implementer(s): DCP, E.A.T. Initiative, Food Access network

4. Promote an increase in farmers markets in the Hill District.


Funding: DCP, Food Access network

Implementer(s): DCP, E.A.T. Initiative, Food Access network

5. Provide Healthy food options for Hill District students outside of school hours.


Funding: Food Access network, PPS

Implementer(s): DCP, DCP, URA, Food Access Network, PPS

6. Create a healthy cooking club for parents and students to learn about healthy eating, and partner with local grocers and restaurants to host cooking demonstrations.


Funding: Food Access network

Implementer(s): Food Access network

7. Support and build upon existing Urban Agriculture within the Hill District to provide food sovereignty.



Implementer(s): HDCG, DCP

8. Coordinate and support food and nutrition education.



Implementer(s): HDCG, DCP

9. Develop and support food and food justice specific workforce development in the Hill District.



Implementer(s): HDCG, DCP

10. Establish and support existing resident homeowners to support their efforts to activate, maintain and improve their homes, as a strategy for anti-displacement. The program could be structured in a way to improve the health, sustainability of homes, and incorporate education and resource opportunities.



Implementer(s): GBA, ReBuilding Together


1. Form food access working group to facilitate creation of a food cooperative or buying club in the Hill District (More specific)



Implementer(s): HDCG






1. Provide healthy food buying/access options for Hill district Residents to ensure food security.


Funding: DCP, Food Access network

Implementer(s): E.A.T. Initiative


1. Hill District public streets will serve the temporary and/or permanent functions that support community uses.

Timeframe: Ongoing

Funding: City of Pittsburgh, non-profits, foundations

Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, URA, RCOs, CBOs


1. Grow existing programs to support the copowerment events in the Hill District, inclusive of community services to foster buy-in and co-powerment.













1. Improve standards for renters to promote safe, healthy living conditions and provide access to resources to help determine the livability of a space prior to signing a lease.

Timeframe: Ongoing



2. Occupancy issues are appropriately, consistently, and equitably managed.

Timeframe: Ongoing


Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh

3. Expand the Inclusionary Housing Overlay to the Hill District.

Timeframe: Ongoing


Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh






1. Create a Vacant property strategy.


Funding: City of Pittsburgh, URA

Implementer(s): City of Pittsburgh, URA, RCOs, CBOs






1. Encourage involvement of students, families, and community in the education decision making process.

Timeframe: Ongoing








1. Develop and implement a Hill District Cultural Legacy curriculum.



Implementer(s): Carnegie Library, Hill District Historical Society/Historians, August Wilson House, Hill CDC, Ministers Alliance, Pittsburgh Public, Schools, City of Pittsburgh


1. Establish partnership with educational institutions to improve Hill District students' quality of education and engagement.

Timeframe: Short (1-2 years), ongoing


Implementer(s): Duquense Universty, University of Pittsburgh (CEC), Carlow University

Do you have additional feedback related to community strategy?

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Do you have any other additional feedback?

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September 2021

Cultural Legacy

Do you have any additional comments regarding the Cultural legacy session?

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Urban Design

Do you have any additional comments regarding the Urban Design session?

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May 2021



Communications Strategy

Chapter Co-Chair Suggestions

Do you have a steering committee or community member you believe should serve as a chapter co-chair during the process to update and adopt the Greater Hill District Master Plan?

Community Co-chair?

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Development Co-chair?

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Mobility Co-chair?

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Infrastructure Co-chair?

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Additional Suggestions

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April 2021

Public Engagement Sub-Committee

Chapter Co-Chair Suggestions

Do you have a steering committee or community member you believe should serve as a chapter co-chair during the process to update and adopt the Greater Hill District Master Plan?

Community Co-chair?

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Development Co-chair?

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Mobility Co-chair?

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Infrastructure Co-chair?

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Communications Strategy

Gap Analysis


Infrastructure 3/23/21

Infrastructure: What needs to be updated, expanded, added?

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Existing Community Goals

Greater Hill District Master Plan

Centre Avenue Redevelopment and Design Plan (CARD)

Community: What needs to be updated, expanded, added?

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Mobility: What needs to be updated, expanded, added?

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Development (2/23/2021)

Existing Development Goals Combined

These goals were pulled from two parts of the existing Greater Hill District Master Plan: Community Goals (pg. 4-5) and Urban Design Proposals (pg. 72). They have been organized under the required topics from the City's Neighborhood Plan Guide as part of the Gaps Analysis with the Steering Committee.

Land Use Policy and Regulations

  • None. Did we miss them?

Urban Sustainable Design

  • None. Have one for Infrastructure that could be broken out.

Equitable Economic Development

  • Economic empowerment and commercial development. Community residents, organizations and businesses will gain social and economic benefit from neighborhood revitalization efforts.
  • Lower Hill. Reconnect the Lower Hill to the rest of the Hill District and rebuild it as an active neighborhood with connections to Downtown.
  • Centre View. Reinforce Centre avenue as the Hill’s primary retail, institutional, and cultural node as well as a strong residential neighborhood.
  • Herron Avenue. Transform Herron Avenue into a commercially viable and attractive avenue and a gateway into the neighborhood.


  • Family friendly housing development without displacement. Housing developments must include an appropriate level of family housing including rental and for sale units affordable to various income levels in order to prevent displacement.
  • Bedford Avenue Corridor. Transform Bedford Avenue into a fully developed residential avenue that takes advantage of the spectacular views to the north and its recreational amenities.
  • Upper Hill. Reinforce the cohesive residential character through residential stabilization and infill development.

Development: What needs to be updated, expanded, added?

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Development Topics from the Neighborhood Plan Guide

Bolded items under "Optional topics" are recommended by staff.

Required topics:

  • Land use policy and regulations
  • Urban sustainable design
  • Equitable economic development
  • Housing

Optional topics:

  • Commercial Corridors or Nodes
  • Transit Oriented Development
  • Brownfield Reuse and Remediation
  • Schools
  • Academic, Medical and Religious Institutions

Development: Are there optional topics we should include?

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