
Nov. 7 Meeting Recap

14 November 2024

The City of Pittsburgh hosted a Penn Avenue Reconstruction Phase 2 community meeting on Thursday, November 7th at 6:00pm at the Bloomfield Garfield Corporation (113 N Pacific Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224).

At the meeting DOMI shared information about the project scope, detours, and timelines and answered community questions about construction impacts, communication, overlapping construction timelines, and utility projects.

Meeting Recording

Meeting Slides:

Meeting Roll Plot:

Meeting Minutes:

Meeting follow-ups:

Will there be pest control so to prevent pest invasion in homes during excavation? There have been problems with bugs and rodents during work in the past (Phase 1 project).

Residents and business owners can request assistance through the Rodent Baiting Program:

Drivers are using Coral Street instead of the posted detour...

DOMI continues to explore options for discouraging Coral as an alternative route. Those options are currently being vetted by DOMI Traffic.

What is happening with the bus line redesign? Is it going to match up with the detour? Will this change the plan for the design?

As of January 2025 PRT is still collecting feedback for the Bus Line Redesign, and does not yet have an implementation date for the changes, but does not anticipate changes before 2026. DOMI and PRT will continue to coordinate as the bus line redesign plans and timeline are solidified.

What is the frequency of the new bike racks?

BlockSideNo. Racks
Evaline - PacificNorth1
Pacific - AtlanticNorth3
Atlantic - AikenNorth3
Aiken - GrahamNorth4

This coincides with the closure of the Squirrel Hill tunnel. Has this been taken into consideration? There is going to be a lot of traffic redirected this way.

DOMI will continue to coordinate with PennDOT. Project timelines are still tentative at this stage, but coordination will increase as timelines are solidified and potential impacts can be better assessed. DOMI also cannot mitigate all impacts from road closures, so some changes to traffic patterns and volumes should be expected.