Lawrenceville Mobility Hubs

We'd like your help in finding the best spots for your neighborhood's Mobility Hubs!

Currently, we're asking for your input on two separate locations, Butler St. and Penn Ave. Review the materials for each and let us know what you think!

Hub Example

Mobility Hub example - looking for a home in Lawrenceville!

Butler St. Mobility Hub

After analyzing a number of factors, DOMI has narrowed down the list of potential Mobility Hub locations to just 3. At this point, we'd like your help to let us know which spot works best for the Lawrenceville community.

Please review the powerpoint below to learn more about the analysis process, and to consider the pros and cons of each location. After you've reviewed the powerpoint, please complete the survey to vote for the best location.

Review this Powerpoint and vote for a Location!

Lawrenceville hub options

Proposed Locations for a Lawrenceville Hub

Vote here!

Which location is best for a Butler St. mobility hub?

Penn Ave. Mobility Hub

After analyzing a number of factors, DOMI found that there was only one viable location in this corridor to place a mobility hub. All other sites that were consider were deemed to be unsafe or would conflict with traffic flows.

Please review the materials below and consider the proposed location. Let us know if this particular spot raises any concerns!

Proposed Location: Penn Ave. @ 44th st.