This is the archive of the meetings of the Development Action Team.

The following is a brief summary of the Development Action Team meetings. For each meeting, you can find the presentation materials in the right hand column under "Action Team Presentations".

  • October 2020 / Meeting 1: Introduced the concept and work of the Action Teams
  • November 2020 / Meeting 2 through February 2021 / Meeting 5: These four meetings focused on identifying issues and opportunities for a series of topics. Local and national experts helped to introduce topics, staff presented data from the Existing Conditions Report, input from the Summer 2020 online open house, and relevant materials from existing plans, particularly Oakland 2025.
  • March 2021 / Meeting 6: Staff created a consolidated list of ideas that the group had generated during the four prior meeting. The group discussed the list and identified any missing elements. The list of draft ideas reviewed at that meeting can be found here.
  • April 2021 / Meeting 7: Staff walked the group through next steps for the Action Team process which involved engaging the broader community and conducting research to refine the group's strategies.
  • May through September 2021: Broader public engagement and research occurred. This included walking tours, workshops, and open house events, an Arts, Culture, and Design Technical Advisory Group (ACD TAG), and many public events during the month of September to get input from the broader community on the draft strategies.
  • October 2021 / Meeting 8: The final meeting of the Action Team involved a review of the work of the ACD TAG, reviewing public comments on the draft strategies from September events, and a discussion changes to the strategies as a result of public input before they are forwarded on to the Steering Committee. Attendees asked to have this meeting recorded. You can view the video of the Zoom meeting here.

The Development Action Team's activities are now concluded. The Steering Committee will work with staff to pull together and further refine the draft materials from all four action teams in order to release a draft plan and related Zoning Code amendments in early 2022.

Archive: Issues and Opportunities (11/2020 - 2/2021)

Topic 1

Topic 1: Urban Sustainable Design

Covered at Meeting 2 (11/5/2020)

For Meeting 2, staff attempted to use the "character areas" identified in the Existing Conditions Report to focus in on different parts of the neighborhood. In reality, discussions ended up covering issues and opportunities for all of Oakland, so the notes below do not necessarily align with specific areas. After Meeting 2, a more simplified format was used for the meetings to allow for more free flowing discussions.

Existing Conditions Character Areas

Neighborhood Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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District Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
Loading Conversation


What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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Corridor Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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This is the end of this topic. Please do not continue on to the next topic until the next breakout group.

Topic 2

Topic 2: Land Use Policy and Regulation

Covered at Meeting 2 (11/5/2020)

For Meeting 2, staff attempted to use the "character areas" identified in the Existing Conditions Report to focus in on different parts of the neighborhood. In reality, discussions ended up covering issues and opportunities for all of Oakland, so the notes below do not necessarily align with specific areas. After Meeting 2, a more simplified format was used for the meetings to allow for more free flowing discussions.

Existing Conditions Character Areas

Neighborhood Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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District Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
Loading Conversation


What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
Loading Conversation

What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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Corridor Character Areas


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
Loading Conversation


What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
Loading Conversation

What information do we need to know?

What information do we need to know in order to develop strategies to adequately address these issues and opportunities? Are there organizations or people who already have this? Do we need to develop our own data? Do we need to gather it through public engagement? If the latter, what ideas do you have for getting that information?
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Topic 3

Topic 3: Housing

Please note: After Meeting 2, a more simplified format was used for the meetings to allow for more free flowing discussions. Issues and opportunities were discussed across all of Oakland instead of by "character area" as attempted at Meeting 2.


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What are the next steps?

Do we need focus groups? Do we need surveys? Field trips (virtual)? Should we have homework for the next meeting where we discuss these topics? Do you know of residents, property owners, or other stakeholders we could to talk to about these issues?
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This is the end of this topic. Please do not continue on to the next topic until the next breakout group.

Topic 4

Topic 4: Equitable Economic Development

Presentations at Meeting 3 (12/2/2020) with Discussions at Meeting 4 (1/6/2021)

Please note: After Meeting 2, a more simplified format was used for the meetings to allow for more free flowing discussions. Issues and opportunities were discussed across all of Oakland instead of by "character area" as attempted at Meeting 2. After the presentations, the Action Team decided to postpone their discussions until the following month to allow for more time to cover this important topic.


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What are the next steps?

Do we need focus groups? Do we need surveys? Field trips (virtual)? Should we have homework for the next meeting where we discuss these topics? Do you know of residents, property owners, or other stakeholders we could to talk to about these issues?
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This is the end of this topic. Please do not continue on to the next topic until the next breakout group.

Topic 5

Topic 5: Transit Oriented Corridors and Nodes

Covered at Meeting 5 (2/3/2021)

Please note: After Meeting 2, a more simplified format was used for the meetings to allow for more free flowing discussions. Issues and opportunities were discussed across all of Oakland instead of by "character area" as attempted at Meeting 2.


What's happening today? Projects, places, organizations, efforts. What’s not working or could be going better?
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What are the opportunities for the future of Oakland related to this topic? Think about what you've seen elsewhere or dreamed could happen. This can be both specific ideas or bigger visionary ideas.
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What are the next steps?

Do we need focus groups? Do we need surveys? Field trips (virtual)? Should we have homework for the next meeting where we discuss these topics? Do you know of residents, property owners, or other stakeholders we could to talk to about these issues?
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