What is the Workforce Hub Initiative?

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda — including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, and Inflation Reduction Act — are catalyzing public- and private-sector investments across the nation, including significant concentrations in key regions. As part of the Administration’s Investing in America workforce initiatives, the Pittsburgh region was selected as one of five Workforce Hubs in May 2023.

The Pittsburgh Workforce Hub Initiative seeks to build momentum for actions and partnerships that will connect people in the Pittsburgh region to good-quality careers related to major federal and private-sector investments.

This work cannot be done in silos; it requires the engagement and partnership of a wide range of stakeholders to strengthen and promote equitable career pathway opportunities in our targeted sectors:

  • Infrastructure

  • Advanced & Bio-Manufacturing

  • Broadband

  • Clean Energy

Who's Involved?

Office of Mayor Ed Gainey


U.S. Department of Labor

White House Domestic Policy Council

  1. Build and scale meaningful, accessible pathways into union-skilled trades and wealth-building jobs for:
    • system involved /emancipated youth
    • returning citizens
    • single custodial parents/households
    • refugees and immigrants
    • residents of key high/extreme need neighborhoods
  2. Create a strong employment pipeline pool of skilled candidates for these existing and new opportunities
  3. Ensure that Federal investments in Infrastructure create good jobs for job seekers in our region while driving external transparency in investments.
  4. Develop accountability and monitoring tools for local and state-funded projects in the Pittsburgh MSA region
  5. Include community engagement and input in the design of the workforce ecosystem, which includes the provision of supportive services
  6. Grow the availability and inclusivity of Registered Apprenticeship programs and other earn-and-learn programs in the key sectors
  7. Help employers implement Job Quality principles

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