Pittsburgh's Good Jobs Principles

  1. Publicly Endorse and Commit to Uphold the Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles, a regional equity framework that advances good jobs for local residents across the Pittsburgh region, especially workers from disadvantaged populations, in order to build a safe, welcoming, and thriving community for all.
  2. These Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles include:

    • Priority recruitment, training, hiring, and retention of disadvantaged worker populations, including through partnerships with community-based organizations that have expertise and track records in serving disadvantaged workers;
    • Implementation of strategies that build equitable pathways for disadvantaged workers into good jobs and careers including:
      • pre-apprenticeship programs with direct entry into registered apprenticeship programs,
      • registered apprenticeship programs,
      • apprenticeship utilization requirements,
      • barrier-reduction strategies such as wrap-around supportive services, and
      • training that promotes an inclusive and harassment/discrimination-free workplace environment and culture;
    • Tracking, measurement, and assessment of the progress in recruiting, training, hiring, retaining, and promoting disadvantaged workers through shared compliance, tracking, and reporting strategies and tools;
    • Embedding the Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles in procurement and contracting processes to the greatest extent permissible by law; and
    • Creation of an engagement and collaboration committee structure with inclusive and diverse membership, including representation of organizations that serve disadvantaged workers, to implement the Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles, as well as jointly address and solve challenges; and
    • Utilization of project labor agreements (PLAs), community benefits agreements (CBAs), and other tools to codify and enforce these Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles and agreements.
  3. Commit to Joint Implementation that Operationalizes these Pittsburgh Good Jobs Principles.