Status: On Deck

Note: The following information was recorded at the adoption of the plan in June 2022. This information represents the recommended course of action at the time of adoption but may not necessarily reflect exactly how implementation progresses.

Combine community centers, daycares, career services, educational programming, and free wifi in a single location.

  • There are limited community spaces for programs and resources like Wi-Fi, technology hubs, child care and other services.
  • For some residents, there is a need for basic computer literacy that is limiting update of workforce development programs and other efforts to get people into jobs. These kinds of basic trainings could happen in such a center.
  • Residents need access to career training services and other educational programming.
  • The University of Pittsburgh is interesting in finding locations where they can provide educational programming and other supports to Oakland residents and their students who live in the neighborhood.
  • Existing spaces are often underinvested and struggle to meet increasing demands.
  • The small number of City parks in the area are also in need of investments which could be connected to the provision of additional related services.
  • Activities for both senior citizens and students.
  • Potential locations: The Corner (West Oakland), Frazier Park/Fieldhouse (South Oakland), OPDC Building (Central Oakland), Community Human Services Building (Oakcliffe), Zulema Park Area (Central Oakland), and Herron Hill Pumping Station (North Oakland).
  • City-owned facilities at Dan Marino Field and the Herron Hill Pumping Station should be prioritized for rehabilitation or replacement. This work could start with a parks master planning process led by DCP or could involve community discussions that lead directly to funding for DPW to undertake design and construction.
  • Other options such as partnering with OPDC, The Corner, and Community Human Services should focus on improving and expanding their facilities and services.
  • Consider expanding Rec 2 Tech, workforce training, and climate change related programming among other offerings in partnership with with various City departments, non-profits, and institutions.
  • OPDC and the University of Pittsburgh have both shown interest in participating on programming and making other resources available in the centers.
  • This project is linked to “Scale up child care services”.

When to start: 0-2 years

Duration: Ongoing

Estimated costs: $$$ (out of $$$$)

Project lead(s): DCP, DPW, City Council

Project partner(s): Citiparks, OPDC, PID, institutions, neighborhood associations

Potential funding source(s): City Trust Fund, City Capital Budget, institutions, grants

Examples, illustrations, data