Develop comprehensive strategy that brings together all relevant agencies, institutions, and non-profit partners to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips and congestion in Oakland. This should include incentives programs at institutions and major employers, updated City policies and regulations for development, a program to more efficiently utilize existing parking facilities, and informational campaigns for those coming into Oakland as well as new and existing residents.
- Oakland is the third largest area of economic activity in Pennsylvania. It is both a key regional destination for employees and visitors, and a home to residents, businesses, and large institutions.
- There are concerns about congestion, the inability to find available parking, and how to accommodate future development without overwhelming the existing transportation system.
- There is a desire for new and/or more direct public transit routes into Oakland from other communities in the region.
- By encouraging travel modes that are alternatives to driving alone in a car, Transportation Demand Management (TDM) can play a part in reducing the number of cars on the road, which can advance a number of important goals, including sustainability, equity, and traffic safety. TDM is not just about encouraging people to shift their travel modes during commuter trips to/from work and school, but also all trips, including people's trips to medical appointments, recreation, entertainment, and more.
- There is interest in aligning TDM programs and policies at all levels: at the regional, City, neighborhood, and institutional levels.
- One challenge about TDM that was voiced is the funding to incentivize users to switch modes, and so institutions, foundations, employers, small businesses, and cultural destinations all may need to play a role in contributing to such efforts.
- Establish a Greater Oakland Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program with a neighborhood TDM coordinator that liaises with DOMI’s citywide TDM coordinator.
- Coordinate TDM strategies with the Plan’s housing strategies in the Development chapter to make it more affordable to live and work in Oakland. Potential housing strategies that would contribute to TDM efforts include increasing the affordable housing supply, creating employer-based housing programs, and leveraging the existing inclusionary zoning ordinance.
- Coordinate TDM strategies with the Plan’s land use and economic development strategies in the Development chapter to ensure key services such as schools, daycare, and senior services are provided in Oakland, thus making it more convenient/attractive to live and work in Oakland.
- Coordinate with PAAC on public transit routing to better serve commuters traveling to Oakland from the North and South Hills, areas to the east of Pittsburgh and Mon Valley communities, and other communities with a high number of Oakland-bound commuters.
- Incorporate Oakland TDM needs during the PAAC’s future public transit Network Study and ensure TDM programming in Oakland is updated to reflect ongoing changes to the transit network.
- Establish a shared informational campaign with all institutions, major employers, small businesses, and community organizations that provides information to those traveling into Oakland and new residents about the non-single occupancy vehicle options they have, incentives, and benefits associated with them. This would be part of larger Transportation Demand Management efforts.
- Work with DOMI’s citywide TDM coordinator on updates to the City’s transportation demand management policies and program to ensure developers support increased non-single occupancy vehicle trips when increasing density in the neighborhood. Ensure resources are available for verification and compliance review of developer programs over the long-term. Potential updates include:
- Review redevelopment or streetscape improvement efforts for the potential to close or consolidate access points
- For new developments, prioritize in lieu contributions equivalent to the cost of the parking that would have been built.
- Unbundle parking or separate the cost of parking from property leases or deeds
- Develop linkages between the storm water fee and DOMI permit review of surface parking.
- Allocate space for bicycle parking, carshare vehicles, and electric vehicles
- Limit surface parking lots and ground floor parking garages to activate ground floor uses
- Reduce parking minimums by 50% and make parking minimums the new parking maximums. Allow a cashout option for the remaining 50% of parking.
- Establish a shared incentive program with all institutions, major employers, small businesses, and community organizations that provides an appropriate mix of incentive programs to support non-single occupancy vehicle trips. Incentives must include a mix of modes and opportunities to encourage mode shift and consider the unique aspects of employment sectors in Oakland.
- An example incentive is PAAC or SPC partnering with employers to directly fund transit passes for business employees.Develop a plan with institutions and other parking providers to maximize utilization of existing parking resources. Determine if work from home policies will allow for people to share a parking space, alternating days physically in the office. Identify when specific facilities are used and how they can be better leveraged to serve the neighborhood and reduce demand on residential streets.
- Invest in new shared parking garages and lots that serve as “community infrastructure hubs” that incorporate EV charging infrastructure
- Consider a waiver or reduction of the commercial parking tax for institutions to open their garages to residents and visitors
- Collaborate with legal private lot owners to provide shared parking
- Coordinate existing/future shuttle and bus service from these locations
- Follow recommendations from Manage On-Street Parking Strategy
- Establish performance measures and track data yearly to evaluate the success of the TDM program.
- Because transportation demand management is cross-cutting, multiple agencies and the neighborhood associations should be involved in the development and implementation of a transportation demand management program.
When to start: 0-2 years
Duration: Ongoing
Estimated costs: $ (out of $$$$)
Project lead(s): DOMI
Project partner(s): OTMA, PAAC, DCP, institutions, OBID, OPDC
Potential funding source(s): Grants