Continue to implement City Steps Plan, but add additional features such as wayfinding, runnels, maintenance, emergency call boxes for all projects. The Pittsburgh Citywide Steps Assessment is available here:

  • Several sets of step repairs were identified as being of community interest to improve safety and pedestrian connectivity for residents. Examples include the Hodge-Ayers-Mackey Steps, Frazier and Romeo steps (connection between South Oakland and Bates Street), Juno Street steps (improves pedestrian connection between Oakland and Schenley Park and Greenfield), and the Bohem Street steps (improves South Oakland connection with 2nd Ave).
  • During implementation of the City Steps Plan, consider the step repairs identified by the Oakland community during the Oakland Plan process, including those listed above, along with the other Oakland steps in the City Steps Plan. As budget allows, draw on the criteria in the City Steps plan to help prioritize between multiple requests.

When to start: Ongoing

Duration: variable according to each project

Estimated costs: $$$ (out of $$$$)

Project lead(s): DOMI

Project partner(s): Not specified

Potential funding source(s): City Capital Budget, grants