Create a bicycle and pedestrian connector with green infrastructure improvements between Bates Street and Fifth Avenue.
- McKee is a key connector to the Fifth and Forbes corridor from Bates Street and needs streetscape and multimodal improvements to improve conditions for bicycles and pedestrians.
- Setbacks on McKee and parcels under single ownership should be used as an opportunity to increase open space/greening along the corridor as redevelopment occurs.
McKee Place serves as a key east-west connector street for people walking and biking in Oakland and was identified as a proposed bike route in the Bike (+) Plan. The street connects Fifth Avenue and Forbes Avenue to Bates Street. The general recommendations for McKee Place are summarized below:
- Conversion to one-way eastbound
- Two-way raised parking separated cycle track on north side of the street from Bates Street to Fifth Avenue
- Flexible delineator posts in painted buffer between the cycle track and parking lane
- Permeable paving in the cycle track
- Additional street trees and green infrastructure in the sidewalk verge
- Curb bumpouts with green infrastructure at Bates Street, Louisa Street, and Forbes Avenue
- High visibility crosswalks
- Bicycle conflict markings at all intersection and driveway crossings
- Bike boxes for turning movements between McKee and Louisa Street
- All improvements will align with future redevelopment along the street, which will minimize curb cuts and emphasize green space and green infrastructure
It will be important to engage major adjoining property owners, resident groups, and district organizations where appropriate.
DOMI will study the traffic impacts of the proposed changes.
When to start: 3-5 years
Duration: 2 years
Estimated costs: $$$ (out of $$$$)
Project lead(s): DOMI
Project partner(s): PWSA, Urban Forestry, TreePGH, Private Developers, OPDC, Bike Pittsburgh
Potential funding source(s): City Capital Budget, grants, PWSA, private development