Identify and make improvements on high-capture streets and alleys that can safely convey stormwater, improve pedestrian and bicycle safety, and add tree canopy through coordinated and intentional infrastructure. Projects should be in alignment with current stormwater code updates and include above ground green infrastructure where technically feasible.
- Example project locations discussed during the process were Euler and Iroquois Ways. Central Oakland streets identified for bicycle boulevard treatments in the mobility chapter include Bouquet, Atwood, and Coltart Streets, among others, and could prove candidates for complementary green infrastructure treatments. The mobility chapter’s McKee Place Complete Street strategy also incorporates green infrastructure improvements.
- This project should prioritize where there are feasible connections to and from transit-oriented developments as well as safe routes to school. The project’s implementers should work with PWSA and City agencies about downspout disconnection and coordinate on relevant street ROW projects.
- Increase tree canopy with utility appropriate tree species where possible.
- Reduce impervious area.
- Reference and utilization of the Stormwater Design Manual that will provide guidance on the appropriate technologies for the typical Oakland street typologies.
- Combine street trees, green infrastructure, low heat gain paving materials, and shade structures to intentionally combat heat island effect.
- Work with PWSA’s stormwater division to allocate appropriate capital projects within the long-range planning and compliance objectives.
- Encourage large development to redirect water from the right-of-way where technically feasible to be managed on-site to alleviate utility conflicts and add more above ground stormwater technologies that add amenities such as tree canopy and pedestrian safety.
When to start: 0-2 years
Duration: Ongoing with each project taking ~3 years
Estimated costs: $$$ (out of $$$$)
Project lead(s): DOMI, PWSA, DCP, DPW
Project partner(s): TreePGH, PAAC, OPDC, OBID, institutions, neighborhood organizations, property owners and developers
Potential funding source(s): City Capital Budget, grants, Shade Tree Commission, PWSA, Parking Enhancement District